Tuesday, January 03, 2012

GAY KKK - Tracy Baim and Hiram Wesley Evans: Imperial Wizardry Plays the Media

Roman Catholics - Hiram Wesley Evans, Imperial Wizard and Emperor, Knights of the KKK In 1920, said in this document ( "The Klan's Fight for Freedom") that the Klan's issue with the Catholic was not religious but political. . . . Mental and physical fitness go together and failure in either becomes a public burden. Evans used Eugenics ( Personal PAC Illinois) to point out the number of "defectives, dependents, and criminals" that require the nation's care in institutions. Evans used the figures of Dr. Harry H. Laughlin, a eugenics expert at this time, to point out that these burdens are in the millions. Evans blamed Laughlin's results on the flow of immigrants coming into the country. Evans said, "Insanity and crime are the worst manifestations of social inadequacy." The figures showed that insanity was higher among immigrants. Crime was higher among Negroes, Italians, Greeks and the Balkan people.

2011: Tracy Baim, Editor of Windy City Times and Huffington Post columnist

FOX Chicago Sunday: Tracy Baim and Joe Murray Discuss Cardinal George's Comments on Pride Parade : MyFoxCHICAGO.com

Tracy Baim: Cardinal George and the KKK: Religious Extremists Live in the Midwest, Too

If all religious groups paid their fair share of taxes, I wouldn't be as angry when they spoke out against my right to equality. But when a religious leader like Cardinal George gets a large forum to amplify his prejudice off all our taxpayer backs, it is an unfair system.

LGBT activists are planning a demonstration in front of Holy Name Cathedral, 730 N. Wabash Ave., in the wake of Cardinal Francis George's comments that compared the gay liberation movement to the Ku Klux Klan.
The protest, to be held at noon on Sunday, Jan. 8, is the first scheduled demonstration against George after he told Fox News Chicago that the gay-right movement was at risk of morphing "into something like the Ku Klux Klan, protesting in the streets against Catholicism." George has reiterated his controversial marks twice since the initial comment.

Leading the charge are LGBT groups Rainbow Sash Movement ( RSM ) and Gay Liberation Network.

"The RSM believes he seriously endangers the identity and unity of the Catholic Church by these bigoted actions," RSM said in a statement. "He brings a cloud of suspicion over the Archdiocese's commitment to the 10 pillars of Social Justice that the Church should be promoting."

The groups are asking that LGBT activists and allies turn out in solidarity.
The Klan Activists Loved to Strut Their Stuff in the Streets While Dressed in Flamboyant Regalia.

1924 and beyond - Along with Jews, the Klan believes that Catholics are impossible to assimilate and a threat to their institution. One of the main reasons the Klan believes Catholics are "unblendable" is because, as Evans stated, Catholics thrive upon ignorance.
Unblendable? An affront to the Rainbow that is diversity?


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