Monday, January 09, 2012

Angry Middle Class White Man -Gay Liberation Network's Andy Thayer

Despite an official protest cancellation by LGBT groups, a handful of LGBT-rights activists assembled outside of Holy Name Cathedral Jan. 8 to demonstrate against Cardinal Francis George, who recently remarked that the LGBT Pride Parade could morph into something like a Ku Klux Klan ( KKK ) gathering.

Just six protesters gathered outside of the church as Mass let out. The official protest scheduled by Gay Liberation Network ( GLN ) , Rainbow Sash Movement ( RSM ) and Equality Illinois was called off after the cardinal apologized Jan. 6.The apology did not satisfy protesters, who said it came too late and meant little.
Windy City Times January 9, 2012

"It is totally inadequate," said Andy Thayer, co-founder of the Gay Liberation Network, referring to the statement posted on the archdiocese's website Friday night. "When it came time to issue an apology he chose the most passive manner to do it. … I would say it to his face."
Andy Thayer Gay Liberation Network and Pan Progressive Spokesman. Chicago Tribune Januray 9, 2012. Now that is one angry middle class white man. Must be a Rick Santorum backer.

Man, I slept like a baby . . .a gray whiskered, long-in-the-tooth baby. I re-read Murray A. Sperber's wonderful Shakedown the Thunder:The Creation of Notre Dame Football (2002) and dropped off into the loving arms of Morpheus. I dreamed the usual stuff - running out of postits, driving to Leo down The Avenue des Champs-Élysées with legendary newsman and globetrotter Lowell Thomas screwing with the radio -"Take your #$%^ing hands off the dial and leave it on WDCB 90.9 FM. That's Frances Faye's "Drunk with Love & Purple Wine." She's more of man than you'll ever be Lowell!"

Shucks, I must be one of them angry white middle class Dudes. Lowell Thomas gave us T.E. Lawrence, raped by a Muslim Bey in a Turkish prison and celebrated poet masochist.

Not really. I ain't mad at no one. I get amused by the more virulent public voices who remain a protected species by the media on account of their Progressive activism.
Likewise, I get the giggles when Ceasefire activist Tio Hardiman, who rakes in the last nickles of the Illinois State Budget to make streets safe for the late Black Disciple King Shorty Freeman. If that makes me angry, I need to see Doctor Vargas and get some blood work done. Heck, No! I leaped out of bed, hit my knees and said the Memorare and Novena of St. Theresa, watched the news, read the papers, showered, shaved, tossed on a handful of Clubman, screamed in agony, brushed the old buckers and tossed on my snappy attire.

What makes one an angry middleclass whiteman? I remember the goof, I heard on Inside Washington, Evan Thomas - "It's interesting that Perry stayed in because there is still this angry, white, middle class male out there that is a seething force, and Romney is not really their guy. It's not clear who is, I'm not sure, I mean, Santorum for the moment, but in some ways, that is a force to be tapped, and nobody's really found a way to do it."

Evan's grandpappy was, not Lowell Thomas , but none other than Norman Thomas sixtime Presidnetial lose rand leader of the Socialist Party of America ( Communist Party USA Lite). Like all happy affluent white guys, Evan Thomas went to the schools of the 1%ers Philipps Andover, Harvard, Virginny Law & etc.

Evan called President Obama a god. He back tracked a bit with this "In a way, Obama's standing above the country, above -- above the world, a sort of god." Sort of god, in this secularist Progressive state, Evan? Well, dog my cats.

I gotta ask; after all of the Gayer than Christmas Outrage against Cardinal George since before Christmas, the subsequent apology by the Cardinal to all fo those highly sensitive sensibilities in government, the media and activism, does this finally make Andy Thayer qualify as an angry middle class white man?

Rainbow Sash, Aglow, Call to Action, and all the outraged sensitive sensibilities who must have theri say, backed away from a Holy Name Cathedral protest yesterday. However, Gay firebrand and Progressive Activism Utility Player -Andy Thayer remained hot and bothered.

Andy works for Cop Hating Ghetto Lottery Lawyer Jon Loevy*, chants against Israel with fellow Gaza Gay Kevin Clark, bugs Mayor Rahm about his plans to annoy NATO/G-8 tourist, writes for Arianna Huffington, helps suspected traitor Bradley Manning, travels to Moscow, HATES really, really really HATES Cardinal George, Breeders, and Catholics and is never studied by Chicago's media newshounds. If you are a retired gang-banger, or self-celebrated activist you are given carte blanche by the Chicago Medill Media.

Ooooooo! Gotta go. Time to record the checks supporting Leo High School from happy, generous, white Catholic middle class guys, scrape the frost off the flivver, fire up the Chevy and pick Lowell Thomas up at Karim's Dunkin Donuts at 104th 7 Westerm.

Lowell had better keep his damn liver spotted mitts off the radio settings, " That's Frances Faye's "Drunk with Love & Purple Wine" for Crissakes, Lowell!!! What would Andy Thayer say?"

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Suite 100

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Phone: work312-376-8345 / work888-644-6459 (Toll Free)
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..SummaryAttorneysStaffFeesOffice Information.Summary.Law Firm Overview
We built our firm and we pick our cases to achieve justice. We take on a case only if it fits with our sense of righting a wrong.
We focus on protecting constitutional and civil rights and whistleblowers and we currently have an eclectic mix of cases involving wrongful convictions, police brutality, excessive force, unjustified police shootings, False Claims Act/qui tam statutes, unlawful arrests, class actions, illegal searches and Fourth Amendment violations, employment discrimination,, and First Amendment violations. Each of our cases makes a fascinating story.
Jon Loevy started the firm in 1997 after leaving the international law firm Sidley & Austin. Since founding the firm, Jon has been joined in the partnership by his wife, Danielle Loevy; Arthur Loevy, who graduated from the University of Michigan Law School; and Mike Kanovitz, a Cornell Law School graduate who joined the firm after practicing at a class action law firm in Washington, D.C. Today, Jon Loevy and Mr. Kanovitz are widely recognized as among the nation's leading civil rights attorneys because of their accomplishments as trial attorneys, having won multiple jury verdicts of more than $1 million. Since 2008 alone, Mr. Loevy and Mr. Kanovitz have secured jury verdicts of $21 million, $16 million, and victory for a class of more than 100,000 people.

Areas of PracticeCivil RightsClass ActionsConstitutional Law Discrimination Employment Law -- EmployeeWhistleblowerWest Practice CategoriesCivil Rights, Class Actions, Constitutional, Discrimination, Employment, Whistleblower-Qui Tam
Attorneys.Loevy, Jon
Thompson, Tara E.
Mandel, Aaron S.

Kanovitz, Michael
Partner Loevy, Danielle
Swaminathan, Anand

Horn, Gayle
Keen, Roshna Bala
Petersen, Pier

Loevy-Reyes, Mark
Mazur, Elizabeth
Art, Steve

Ainsworth, Russell
Partner Wang, Elizabeth
Steinback, Rachel

Liskow, Samantha Anne
Twetten, Daniel M.
Thompson, Julie

Loevy, Arthur
Donnell, Heather Lewis

.Additional Personnel
Heather Jacobson, Paralegal
Andy Thayer, Paralegal
Jessica Sauvageau, Paralegal

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