Monday, December 05, 2011

Lessons and Carols at St. Cantius -Saturday December 10, 2011

St. John Cantius’ Service of Nine Lessons and Carols brings you the classic carols of Christmas. Voices uplifted in song, the spirit uplifted with tradition and reverence. Blending Scripture readings and Sacred Music, this century-old tradition has become a cherished event not only for our church, but for the people of Chicago.

St. John Cantius Parish is a parish in the Archdiocese of Chicago which offers the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass according to the Roman Rite in both the Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms. The Ordinary Form of the Mass, often referred to as the Novus Ordo, is offered both in Latin and in English according to the Missale Romanum, issued by Pope John Paul II in 2003. St. John Cantius Parish is also privileged to offer daily the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, commonly referred to as the Tridentine Latin Mass, according to the Missale Romanum of 1962.

Located in the heart of Chicago one mile directly west of the famous Water tower on Chicago Avenue, Saint John Cantius Church is easily accessible by car, bus, or subway. The historic baroque church is one of the best examples of sacred architecture in the city and is home to many works of sacred art. The solemn liturgies, devotions, treasures of sacred art, and rich program of sacred liturgical music have helped many Catholics discover a profound sense of the sacred, thereby permeating their lives with a renewed faith.

Throughout the year, St. John Cantius offers a diverse selection of presentations and classes in Latin, Greek, church heritage, religious education, catechetics, and Catholic culture.

Founded by Polish immigrants at the end of the nineteenth century, the parish today represents a broad cross-section of every ethnic, socio-economic and age group. Located in the heart of Chicago, St. John Cantius Church is easily accessible by car, bus, or subway.

St. John Cantius Church is also the home of the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius, a religious community of men dedicated to the Restoration of the Sacred.

If you Google Quotations on the The Sacred, you will not find any quote by a Catholic, until you reach Teilhard De Chardin the Jesuit Paleontologist and writer. Leading off with Albert Einstein, you will get quotes from Johnny Depp, Oprah, Ganghi, Mohammad, Jim Morrison and always self-absorded Ralph Waldo Emerson's “Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.” Really, Ralph? My own mind I hardly a sacred stopping off spot and is at best PG 13 on a good day. I always want to cuff the cheeks of Transcendalists and Brook Farm ninnies with a roll of dimes in my chubby palms; alas, they are a mouldin' the grave.

See? I am profane.

The Sacred is precious. The Sacred is accessible. Saturday, the St. Cecilia Choir and orchestra conducted by Mr. Dan Robinson will follow Father Frank Phillips in the Nine Lessons of Christmas and Carols.

If you have not witnessed the devotion to the Sacred through the liturgy, the music and rituals of traditional Catholic devotions, you should.

Get some Sacred.

December 10, 2011
at 7:00 pm

Doors open one hour
before performance

St. John Cantius Church
825 N. Carpenter St.
Chicago, Illinois 60642-5499

Lessons & Carols Program
Adult $15
College Student/Senior Citizen $10
Child/Youth (6-18 years) $5
Gourmet Dinner and Lessons & Carols Program
$100 per person (includes Lessons & Carols)


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