Friday, December 16, 2011

The Common Hurd - Modern Genius

Sam Hurd is a Chicago Bear playing on specialty teams for which he is paid a tidy $ 4,000,000 per year.

In order to use his capital earned from standing on the sidelines for most NFL engagements between the Monsters of the Midway and their competition, Sam wanted to continue investing his dollars in tax-free capitalism.

No doubt apprehending the growing demand for medicinal and recreational marijuana, which Cook County President the Chicago City Council are now hard pressed to deliver to the Weed Demographic, Master Hurd sought to capitalize on that herb's future demand with a robust supply.

The NFL vetting process matches that of the national media; therefore, NIU scholar/athlete and NFL veteran Hurd saw Opportunity's fore-lock in need of a hardy tug.

He reached out in a manner befitting his status:

Hurd’s party dined on $300 worth of filet mignon Wednesday. At the steakhouse, he told the undercover agent “his co-conspirator is in charge of doing the majority of the deals” while he focused on “higher-end deals,” the affidavit said. Hurd also allegedly told the agent that they already distribute four kilos of cocaine a week in the Chicago area, but his supplier couldn’t keep up with his demands.

Hurd also asked the agent if he could provide him with Mexican cell phone numbers, “as Hurd believed that law enforcement did not have the capability of ‘listening’ to Mexican telephones.” He even referenced the money that had been taken by authorities in Dallas, and claimed “the seizure of currency could not be associated to him.”

Mexican cell phones must have that Cartel Cache Coding Device. Kind of like, Irish GPS - "Hey, Murphy sober up! Your wife is on her way and she ain't happy; now, drink up."

Modern Genius - 10 % inspiration and 90 % incarceration

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