Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Want to Know About Tony "The Man in the Iron Mask" Rezko? Read Sun Times Reporter Natasha Korecki - A Real Journalist

The Media stinks because it collectively believes that its audience agree fully and rapturously with it or are to dismissed universally as bumpkins, Rubes, hill-rods, knuckle-draggers, and Bible-clinging gun toters. I have never owned a gun and read the Bible via the readings during Mass on Sundays.

The Media believes it to be H.L.Mencken, Edward R. Murrow, Ring Lardner and Anne Landers on steroids. Too many iconic columnists believe themselves to be Atticus Finch, when in fact they are little more than Ernest T. Bass.
Some female columnists see themselves as 12-Step Dry Dorothy Parkers and are little more than Roseanne Barr before a well-needed nap.

There are yet great writers covering stories. In Chicago, the Sun Times is blessed to have great reporters, despite a daffy Color-forms Progressive editorial board.
Mark Konkol, Abdon Pallasch, the tenacious Tim Novak, the always fair and witty Steve Metsch, Maureen O'Donnell and the brilliant Natasha Korecki.

Yesterday, Ms. Korecki offered the most exact, tightest, honest and insightful summary of the Tony Rezko saga in her report on today's sentencing of America's Man in the Iron Mask.

Tony Rezko was the 2008 Presidential Campaign in miniature - a story where the smoke ascending from the fire was sucked up into the ozone by the Media, like a powerful kitchen exhaust hood over a toasting skillet of week old fish.

Natasha Korecki recently covered the Blago court dates with wit and accuracy.

Here is a real journalist who respects her readers on Tony Rezko.

Long known as the “political fixer,” who was friends with a politically young Barack Obama, Tony Rezko once grabbed headlines in a presidential campaign. At the same time in Illinois, Rezko’s name was synonymous with a federal investigation into former Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

But since Rezko volunteered to go jail after his 2008 conviction, he’s settled in as not much more than a footnote in both politics and corruption.

That’s partly because the investigation into Blagojevich exploded after Rezko’s trial, taking a new turn involving the sale of President Obama’s U.S. Senate seat — conduct that happened when Rezko was already behind bars.

However, even though he cooperated with federal authorities after his conviction on 16 of 24 counts of corruption under Blagojevich’s tenure as governor, Rezko was never used as a witness in subsequent criminal cases.

It’s left the once high-profile defendant, set to be sentenced on Tuesday in Chicago federal court, in a precarious position.

Rezko volunteered to go to jail immediately, volunteered to cooperate and volunteered to delay his sentencing so he could be called as a witness at both of Blagojevich’s trials as well as the trial of Springfield power broker William Cellini, according to his lawyers.

Being behind bars — but not sentenced — meant he endured more oppressive prison conditions than most white collar criminals who are usually sentenced then shipped off to prison camps, his lawyers said.

But in the end, the government never called him to the witness stand. While Rezko’s lawyers asked U.S. District Judge Amy St. Eve. to sentence him to time served, the government has requested a stiff penalty: 11 to 15 years in prison.

Thank Ms. Korecki! You wrap things up much tighter than a Federal Prosecutor with an agenda! You respect the people at the Red Boxes fishes for alot of quarters.

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