Saturday, November 26, 2011

Irony Spring 2012 - Chicago and World Anarchists to Welcome Nobel Laureates and the G-8/NATO Summits

Aunt Helen's Boys Aloysius (Taco) and Declan (Testy) are staying for a few weeks and can help with Eileen's 1st Communion Party.

Here is a study in Ironic Planning -

Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced today that Chicago will host the 12th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates this spring.

The summit, the first to be held in North America, will at the University of Illinois at Chicago April 23-25.
. . .
The event is expected to attract high profile leaders from around the globe. All former Nobel Peace Laureates will be invited to attend. It will be co-chaired by former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and Walter Veltroni, the former mayor of Rome. Emanuel will serve as an honorary co-chair.
The Nobel meeting will come a month before Chicago is in the international spotlight for the simultaneous G-8/NATO summits, which also are expected to attract throngs of protesters.

Mayor Holiday Tree is proving to be a master of Irony. Chicago, old Urbs in Horto is about to become Ciuitate Ironia and then, after the young bandanna and knit-hat bedecked anarchists get going, Quod LABO Urbs ( That Toddling Town) will become Urbis Incendio Piget (The City of Tire Fires).

Let's see, first of all President Obama is running to keep his job - check!

President Obama was honored as a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate - check!

Mayor Holiday Tree became the Mayor in order to steer the Obama 2012 Campaign -check!

In the time between that well-laid plan of mice-men (Mayor Holiday Tree's Election and the 2012 Election on November 2, 2012), there has been the Wisconsin Bongo Fest, the Arab Spring and our own Occupy America, God Bless Them! Occupy Wall Street has been a probe of police strategies and tactics. Ironically enough, the later day Lenins have been coached and schooled by University of Illinois Chicago Distinguished Professor Emeritus Billy Ayers.

Now, here is the pay-off . . .guess where the Nobel Dudes will gather?

At the University of Illinois Chicago - good old cement city!

Not only that, right here in Old Chi-town, Forrest Claypool has insulted every bus driver and L-engineer, Municipal Pensions were sucked dry by Stuart Levine, Tony Rezko and Blago with help from the usual Progressives, Mayor Holiday Tree has set the table for every Ward Organization to bow before the Garbage Grid, signalling massive City layoffs, and Chicago Water now costs a well metered lung.

Into this din and glare shall arrive the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates of the World, including President Obama. Close on the heels of that gathering of worthies arrives the G-8 economics and banking wizards, followed by the stripped down nations of NATO. Splendid.

Imagine having your twin nephews (Taco and Testy Donnellan) of the Outlaws MC (AOA), recently released from our Medium Security Correctional Facility in Galesburg after serving a nickel for A/B but the drug charges were dismissed, staying in your living room, join neighbors and clergy for your daughter's 1st Communion Party when you can not afford a quart of Faygo, let alone a cake for fifty guests. " Yeah, thanks for coming. Give the envelopes to Taco and Testy, Aunt Helen's boys. They'll keep an eye on your Audi."

What could possibly go wrong?

Waiting for our guests will be the same trust-funded tire fire enthusiasts who have made such fine impression on one and all these past five months.

This spring might be just a great time to wander Indiana, discover Michigan, or hang right here in the Hood.

Irony is best appreciated from a distance.

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