Sunday, October 23, 2011

Occupy Hyde Park - Capitalists and Bankers to Occupy the Midway

At today's Leo High School Open House for 8th Graders, I heard that Arbitragers, Fannie and Freddie Mae Investors, U.S. House & Senate Democrats and Gordon Gecko have organized a hostile take over of Midway Plaisance, Jimmy's Woodlawn Tap Beer Garden, Chicago Theological Union and the Rockefeller Chapel this afternoon.

Not to be outdone by the wonderful and spontaneous Occupy Everything folks, Occupy Hyde Park is planned to spontaneously duplicate at Berkley, Columbia, Oberlin and William and Mary and Haight Ashbury district in San Francisco - these will be catered affairs and business casual discouraged.

Like the Commie Methuselah, Pete Seeger's concert of hootenanny ditties for the kids, Occupy Hyde Park will feature Bob Kubam and the In-men and Bill Deal and Rondell's

Bankers - let working masses tremble!!!!! . . . Or Shake those Money Makers!

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