Thursday, September 01, 2011

GOP Blows Off Toes Again. President Obama Played Them Like A Martin Six-String

Chicago Tribune

Obama asked to schedule a rare joint session of Congress for a prime-time address about jobs the Wednesday after Labor Day. In a rare, if not unprecedented, rebuff in modern times, Boehner (R-Ohio) rejected the president's request and recommended the following night.

A speech next Wednesday, in which Obama wanted to unveil his plan to improve the U.S. jobs picture, would have upstaged a televised debate among Republican presidential candidates at the same time, which the White House said was a coincidence.

By Wednesday night, the president gave in.
Did he, or did he again yank down the puce golf britches of the GOP?

I get asked all the time, "How are you yet a Democrat?" It's easy; take a look at the GOP.

The Grand Old Party have tendency to turn gold into lead; cotton candy into spun glass; opportunity into disaster and victory into what they generally get.

UPDATE: I received this note from journalist attorney Dan Kelley -"You may be right on the scheduling issue and Boehner.

But what does it say about the National Democratic Party that in my adult lifetime, since I began voting in presidential elections, the Republicans have held the White House for twenty-four years out of a possible thirty-two?

Anyway, this upcoming election may very well be a watershed for the USA for good or for bad." I bow to Mr. Kelley's hiostorical sensibilities and fault my own assessment to the Illinois GOP, more than the GOP nationally.

The GOP depends upon the thoughtful folks in tasseled loafers, who occasionally stick a finger out of the sliding window over the green of the last hole of the back nine and test the mood of nation. "Another Old Fashioned on my chit, Birmingham. Birm, what's the mood about the economy in the Hood? Get a fresh glass and less ice."

Yep, the GOP will blow their toes off anytime opportunity sticks the 5PM bell at Checkered Britches CC.

Last night House Speaker Boehner, who grew up above a saloon, swept floors, and humped empties as a kid and a Democrat, allowed GOP Foursome Amnesia to allow President Obama to pull down his Patina Chinos around his two-toned golf shoes.

The President asked for a joint session of Congress to unveil his jobs plan, not Barack H. Obama, the President of the United States. That should be enough said; the President Speaks. Dignity of Office aside, Speaker Boehner walked onto the political empties shute and down among the fruit flies, and assorted green, clean and brown bottles of foreign and domestic bottom slimes.

President Obama is Chief Executive and Commander in Chief. Barack Obama got into that office through political strategy and tactics and soaring rhetoric.

If the GOP were anything like the Democratic Party, that I know, their eight candidates would have gallantly, albeit cynically, bowed to the President and graciously declined to appear at NBC/Politic Debate with Brian Williams on Sept. 7th.

As it is President Obama, after enduring a no-doubt misty-eyed John Boehner's protestations of 'No Fair! What about OUR debate on the swell NBC/POLICO Debate with Brian Williams,' seized the high ground. NBC? Politico? Gee, when I get invited to pot-luck supper run by cannibals, I generally offer, "Wish I could, but there is free gums scrapping at Old World Dental that I do not want to miss." The GOP? They step right into the pre-prandial hot tub with all the vegetables just a swimmin'!

The President played the GOP gamefully. His jobs speech might be something that is packed with soaring rhetoric and ammo for his opponents in 2012. The President will face-off against the New Orleans Saints and the Green Bay Packers instead. The over and under on that one?

The GOP candidates should have immediately and respectfully declined the NBC/POLITICO Debate in deference to the President. So what if the President's Horses and Men planned it on the same night before he went on vacation in Martha's Vineyard, he is the President and he played the GOP for the tasseled Country Club dandies that they happen to be.

When John Boehner says 'seize the high ground,' they call in the earth movers take the mountain down. While President Obama spends alot of time on the golf course, he does not get the amnesia caused by whiffing the chemicals sprayed on the greens.

President Obama will lose his audience to the NFL on Sept. 8th, but that was the plan all the time.

Yep, I'm still a registered Democrat. In time, the Party of the working man will shake of the goofs who have kidnapped the DNC, say no thanks to Planned Parenthood, see Marxists for what they are about and truly are, protect the middle class, honor all religions, end abortion and smarten up.

The GOP, it seems will remain in the 19th Hole. No wonder the Tea Party is so attractive.


  1. Anonymous6:10 PM

    "Yep, I'm still a registered Democrat. In time, the Party of the working man will shake of the goofs who have kidnapped the DNC, say no thanks to Planned Parenthood, see Marxists for what they are about and truly are, protect the middle class, honor all religions, end abortion and smarten up."

    What makes you think so? and why should they? The Dems worship Moloch and every southside potato chomper staggers from the barstool and pulls the lever for them just like Daddy did. The little that who Quinn is helping? Dems will end abortion when they stop voting democratic.

  2. ". . .every southside potato chomper staggers from the barstool and pulls the lever for them just like Daddy did."

    Every other one maybe, Kenny. Gee, let a guy sober up before asking these tough questions.
