Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fun Before the Run - Give to Special Olympics

People give. They give of their time, talents and treasure. My talents are about as limited as my treasure, but I have all the time in the world.

That is why when Skinny Sheahan sent out a call for help at the Fun Before the Run fund-raiser on October 6th at 115 Bourbon Street ( 6PM), I gave the running giver a call and offered my time.

Goo-goos, Chicagoese for professional do-gooders, the people who try to legislate life by bullying City Hall, the County and Springfield for tax money, never seem to have time, or treasure for good works. Their talents go flat-out making policy statements and pi$$ing in the ears of the news media.

Helping people is active participation in your parish, your schools, your neighborhood and with your kids. Calling Carol Marin with an idea about child-rearing policy will not keep your Young Che away from a twelve pack of Tall Boys and a bag of weed before school. You must actually, in some way, be a part of their lives.

My poor kids. I and my family and neighbors wear them like old tighty whities on a fat man.

James "Skinny' Sheahan stays svelte, because he is always giving to good works. Get Skinny. Get busy.

Here's what Skinny says,

Dear Chicagoans,

Since my retirement last year I have been volunteering my time with Special Olympics Chicago. This organization raises funds for the nearly 5,000 athletes that participate in programs throughout the city. On October 9 I will be running my 40th and last marathon to raise funds for this incredible organization.

Special Olympics was founded in our great city with the first games taking place at Soldier Field in July, 1968. 1,000 athletes participated at the first games and today more than 3,000,000 athletes participate in competitions around the globe. Special Olympics is truly one of Chicago's proudest achievements.

On Thursday, October 6, I will be hosting a Fun Before the Run Event at 115 Bourbon St Thursday from 6:30-9:30pm. 115 Bourbon St is located at 3359 W 115th St in Merrionette Park, IL. I would love it if you could join us. All the proceeds go to Special Olympics Chicago. Your $30.00 tax deductible donation includes food and beverage.

If you cannot make the event, I would really appreciate it if you would make a donation in my name towards Special Olympics Chicago. You can do that by clicking here ( on Hickey's post title). Donating through this website is simple, fast and secure. It is also the most efficient way to support my fundraising efforts.

I would like to thank you in advance for anything you can contribute. If you know of anyone that might be interested in participating, I appreciate you forwarding them this email.

Hope to see you there, !


Jim "Skinny" Sheahan

Thirty One members of the Leo High School Class of 1954 joined Bill Hession for lunch at Ken's restaurant on Western Ave. to brainstorm about helping the young men at Leo High School.

Six girls from Mother McAuley heard about the Special Olympics party hosted by Skinny one week from tonight ( October 6th at 6PM) and want to help.

You have been told about good work. Get Skinny and get over to

115 Bourbon Street
3359 West 115th Street
Merrionette Park, IL


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