Saturday, September 10, 2011

9/11 Stars and Stripes Forever Times Two

That much was clear from the appreciative response of the audience, estimated at 7,000. While not as quiet or enthusiastic as the Japanese crowds to whom the CSO recently played, the Chinese listened as if they had never heard an orchestra play as brilliantly, precisely or as loudly as this before. The applause was sufficient to recall Solti for three bows, after which he announced that for an encore the orchestra would perform a score ``totally unknown`` to them. That score turned out to be ``Stars and Stripes Forever,`` and, to judge by the number of Chinese I heard whistling John Philip Sousa as they filed out of the stadium, the all-American march was hardly unfamiliar.April 09, 1986|By John von Rhein, Music critic.Chicago Tribune

Music is the only thing to match the heroism and horror of that day.

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