Friday, July 08, 2011

Whatever Happened to the "Street Lights Are On!" Parental Ordinance?

Little guys in Morgan Park neighborhood (St. Cajetan's Parish) only seconds away from the dreaded "Street Lights R On!" Ordinance. - Universally agreed upon and universally enforced.

Chicago City Council -the Aldermen - know how to pass ordinances that keep fois gras off the the gustatory line-up; end American involvement in foreign war; pad their bank accounts . . .! However, they are especially adept at getting their constituents to stop calling -"What are you doing to save the children?" -(riiiing)'Welcome to the Ward Office! for English Press One, For Tagalog Press Three, all others Press Hold. . . . Press one for Alderman B. Arely There's Ward Office Phone Call Ordinance # A-666 which Levies a Surcharge of $20.00 charged to the AT &T Spanish American War Tax of 1897 - on your monthly Bill, which applies to a special Save our Kids From You Name It in 2012 Budget.' Thank you for Calling and Call Often.'

Little kids are getting mowed down at 3:20 AM while helping bring in the family dog for the night.

What's City Council to do?

Chicago kids under the age of 12 would have to be in the house by 8:30 p.m. on weekdays and 9 p.m. on weekends, under a curfew crackdown proposed by three South Side aldermen Wednesday to rein in “unsupervised” children.

Public Safety Committee Chairman Michelle Harris (8th) joined Aldermen Toni Foulkes (15th) and Lona Lane (18th) in proposing the revised curfew ordinance, the second in three years to turn back the curfew clock.

Several parents told the Chicago Sun-Times Wednesday that the proposal is just what’s needed at a time when some moms and dads aren’t taking their responsibilities seriously.

“We’re at a point where we have to be more conscious of where our children are,” said Toseima Jiles, 33, of Hyde Park, who has two boys, ages 6 and 5. “When I was growing up, your parents knew where you were, the neighbors knew where you were. ... I think we’re getting away from that.”

But parent Karen Hobbs dismissed the proposed curfew as a case of governmental meddling.

Whatever happened to "Hey, Street Lights Are On!"

Moms and Dads sit out on the porch and watch the kids grab fireflies and play Chase in between the alleys and gangways and when Com Ed hits the switch and street lights go on the little guys are in the house.

This time-honored mandate only required parents and neighbors. Didn't cost nothing.

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