Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Villa Rides! Skinny and Houli Live! Ample Parking! July 15th at Jack Desmond's Pub

Brynner and Mitchum!
Skinny and Houli!

Well, in truth, Pancho has not actually mounted a steed in decades - had a little trouble with a pattern of .45 slugs from a Tommy Gun south of the border some time ago, but I digress . . . Pancho Villa has always been one of my favorite Jefes Del Norte* icons and man of singular abilities and motivation . . .that was a tease . . .I'm getting to it! . . . Fine.

Last night, I hit the wake for Ahmad Wali Karzai, took the Red Eye Home in order to help with the debt ceiling mess, clean the gutters again, head back to Kabul and should be back from the funeral sometime Friday afternoon ( skip the repast of course), stop and see Boz at Reilly's Daughter Pub at Midway when I de-plane, drop off my bags Duty Free gifts, and head over to Jack Desmond's Pub for the first live taping of the Skinny and Houli Show which will be broadcast on Saturday at 3 PM. Yep, it's a plan.

You wanna party? We'll party!
The question is rhetorical, but the sentiment genuine. Do Party** (Verb Intransitive: (third-person singular simple present parties, present participle partying, simple past and past participle partied) and all that this portmanteau neologism of lower brows implies

Join us for A Hooley with Skinny & Houli At Jack Desmond's Irish Pub
10339 S. Ridgeland
Chicago Ridge

The Skinny & Houli Show Live! Arriba,Compañeros! Venga Se! Villa Rides!
Friday July 15, 2011
We start taping at 6PM
We're taking our show on the road to hang out at Jack Desmond's, one of our favorite sponsors. Please come on by and join the party.

We need everybody to bring his or her best "Who Cares?" shouts! And we'll bring some surprise guests too!

Don't miss this first ever remote taping of The Skinny & Houli Show
Skinny & Houli every Saturday from 3-4P
WCEV 1450 AM

putting real Chicago back in radio

Party, Indeed! Party Hearty! Party Clouded With Slight Chance of Rain!

La División del Norte es la formación militar encabezada por Pancho Villa, que obtuvo importantes triunfos en la lucha de la Revolución mexicana. La División del Norte se componía sobre todo de gente del pueblo, rancheros, vaqueros, caporales y otros elementos de la población rural del norte de México. También dio cabida a miembros del ejército federal que lamentaban el asesinato de Francisco I. Madero, por las fuerzas de Victoriano Huerta.
Pancho Villa recibió apoyo de un militar de alta escuela, el general Felipe Ángeles, quien durante la campaña de 1911 a 1914 hacia la ciudad de México siempre fue su asesor estratégico y militar. La División del Norte dominó militarmente el norte del país, lo que permitió a Pancho Villa implantar en esa región una serie de reformas sociales y políticas. Pancho Villa, al mando de la División del Norte, tomó las plazas federales de Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Torreón, Saltillo, Zacatecas, entre otras. Después del triunfo revolucionario contra Huerta, en Julio de 1914, Villa rompió con Venustiano Carranza.
Venustiano Carranza huyó a Veracruz y desde allí lanzó la contraofensiva contra Villa, con la fuerza militar del general Álvaro Obregón.
Álvaro Obregón logró derrotar definitivamente a la División del Norte, en 1915, en las famosas Batallas del Bajío como son: Batalla de Celaya, Batalla de Trinidad, Batalla de León, en donde Obregón perdió un brazo. A partir de entonces, Villa se replegó a Chihuahua, y la División del Norte comenzó su dispersión, hasta quedar reducida a un puñado de hombres que siempre fue fiel a su jefe Pancho Villa. Ya actuando como el famoso guerrillero del norte llego en 1917 a atacar la población de Columbus, Nuevo México.

The use of party as a verb is certainly not limited to frat boys, despite their efforts in the verb's activities, and is older even than National Public Radio.

The first recorded use of this sense is in 1919; by 1922 E.E. Cummings was using it in correspondence: "Have extensively partyed with Er former Heditor." It does not seem to have been terrifically common at first, but by the 1940s onwards we can find a large number of examples.

Most of these examples do not suggest that the word is especially slangy, or even informal. Note, for instance, the juxtaposition of the verb with an overly formal avoidance of a sentence-ending preposition in this quotation: "Los Angeles rockers do not lack for private places in which to party" (Time, 1977). (We must acknowlege, though, the probability that the writer was being arch.) While I don't know when NPR first used it, I don't think that their use should be considered that remarkable.

What is more notable is the distinctly slangy use of party down 'to party energetically', a phrase that first emerges in the mid-1970s and was considered slangy from the start: "Going out to a discothèque, dancing for hours, and having a good time. They say to each other, 'Let's party.' Or--and this is the coolest way of saying it--'Let's party down'" (The New Yorker, 1976). These hipsters were ahead of the game; the term became more widely used in the early 1980s. Another more slangy sense is the noun sense 'a sex act with a prostitute' and the corresponding verb 'to copulate, esp. with a prostitute' ("Wanna party?"), both of which arose during the 1940s and are probably rare on NPR.

While we're on the subject, we should mention party animal 'an especially active reveler', from the 1970s, and party hearty! a rhyming compound from about 1980.

The very earliest use of party as a verb was in the seventeenth century, in Scottish use, where the word meant 'to take the part of; side with'.

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