Saturday, June 18, 2011

James "Bro" Farrell and Leo High School 1941 National Basketball Champions

I got a call from Iggy Richards one of the all-time great Chicago Cathoic League Basketball heroes. He let me know that fellow Leo Hall of Famer James William "Bro" Farrell is residing at the Meadows of Glen Ellyn a senior retirement center. Bro Farrell played on both the Leo Lights and Heavies in his four years and Captained the last National Catholic Championship Team in 1941. After WWII, the Loyola University National Title ended forever, due to the costs of travel. These pages from the Oriole - The Leo High School Newspaper from 1941 tell the tale of Bro, the Lions and their great coaches Heavies Vince Dowd and Lights Brother Rupert Francis Finch, Irish Christian Brother.

Click on the pages for a closer and easier read.

The Leo Alumni behind the sweat equity of Tom Lynch preserved Leo's Yearbooks and many of the best pages of Oriole. Click my post title for a genuine history lesson.

1 comment:

  1. FYI...Bro Farrell just passed away...

    I was a good friend of one of his grand-kids. We found out over the years that his grandparents and mine knew each other goring up on the south side!
