Sunday, May 01, 2011

Leo High School's Medal of Honor Recipient Cpl. Fardy -One of Two South Side Heroes at Holy Sepulchre Cemetary

I wish to thank Detective Shaved for helping to find relatives of Cpl. John P. Fardy, USMC ( dec.) a Leo High School Graduate and WWII hero.

Cpl. Fardy saved the lives of his Marines during the horrific fighting to take Okinawa in 1945. A veteran of two bloody campaigns ( Cape Glouchester and Peliliu, Cpl. Fardy smothered a Japanese grenade; thus, sacrificing his own life for others.

The Leo Alumni was contacted by a Marine and professional psychologist Terrence Barrett of University of North Dakota at Fargo. Mr. Barrett is writing a book on Valor and John Fardy is a key focus among other CMH Marines.

The Leo High School Alums Vietnam Hero Jim Furlong and the brother of fallen Chicago Police Officer/Marine and Leo Man Eric Lee, Mr. Mark Lee, are heading up a search for any relatives of Cpl. John Fardy.

This morning I received an e-mail from Dr. Barrett informing me that Holy Sepulchre is the home to two south side Chicago Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients.
April 30, 2011

To: Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation

Hello CMOH Foundation Staff,

Writing to alert you. Two Medal of Honor recipients are interred at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Aslip, IL, both from WWII. U.S. Army Anton L Krotiak is buried in Section 23, and his flat stone marker bears the Medal of Honor inscription. Corporal John P. Fardy USMC, from South Chicago, is also buried in Section 23. A passerby would not know that he had earned a Medal of Honor; there is no insignia or inscription detailing his medals on his flat, military marker. I am attaching a recent photo of his marker.

Marine Corps League Detachment 73 and Marine Corps League Detachment 553 have been contacted about this. Alumni from Corporal Fardy’s high school are looking into the possibility of replacing that headstone with a new marker or having the insignia added to the existing marker. Would the Foundation be interested in assisting in this effort?

Kind regards and Semper Fi,

Terry Barrett

Terence W. Barrett, PhD
Licensed Psychologist

Any reader who might know the whereabouts of any relative of Cpl. John Fardy please contact:

Pat Hickey
Leo High School
7910 S. Sangamon Street
Chicago, IL

(773) 208-8067

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