Thursday, April 21, 2011

Eder Cruz - Leo High School 2011 - Gates Millenium Scholar

Eder Cruz Leo Man 2011 in the center - he's the Mexican American gent - Leo's Gates Millenium Scholar!

Eder Cruz came to Leo High School from Cristo Rey High School. He was the only Mexican (Hispanic) student at Leo, until this year. Eder was welcomed by his fellow Lions and mentored by Mrs. Aurora Latifi and Ms. Margerita Silva. Mrs. Latifi is an Albanian immigrant and Ms. Silva a proud Latina. Eder Cruz immediately established himself as a leader and a scholar.

Eder Cruz is also a Gates Millenium Scholar. Mrs. Latifi nominated the young man who has been accepted at Marquette University and many others. Eder may use this scholship at Valparaiso University, Marquette University, Iowa State, St. Louis University, Bradley University, University of Alcorn, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Hope College. President Dan McGrath will insist upon another Leo Man at his Alma Mater - Marquette University.

Click my post title for the Leo High School Oriole and more college success tales from the Lions.

But first Mr. Eder Cruz, Leo Class of 2011!

Mr. Eder Anibal Cruz Alvarado
5#$% South Campbell
Chicago, IL 606$%

Dear Eder,

Congratulations! We are very pleased to inform you of your selection as one of the 1,000 Gates Millennium Scholars for the GMS Class of 2011. We commend you on your strong leadership, community service and academic achievements that contributed to your selection as a Gates Millennium Scholar. Your accomplishment is especially notable in context of the more than 23,000 students who applied, making this year's the largest and most competitive group of candidates in the program's history. We are very excited to have you as a Gates Scholar and very pleased to confer this distinct honor that distinguishes you as a Leader for America's Future(tm).

As a Gates Millennium Scholar, GMS funds are available for you to attend any U.S. accredited* college or university of your choice. This is a renewable scholarship based on the GMS Program guidelines. The documents you will submit throughout your undergraduate career will guide GMS' review and determination of a new scholarship amount for each year you are eligible. In addition, if you pursue graduate studies in the fields of Computer Science, Education, Engineering, Library Science, Mathematics, Public Health or Science, you may be eligible for GMS fellowship funding for your education through the master's and doctoral levels.

In order to determine the amount of your 2011-2012 academic year GMS award, please send us the following documents:

* your admissions letter from the institution you will be attending (if you have chosen an institution other than the one previously submitted),
* the enclosed GMS Information Sheet completed by your financial aid counselor, and
* your financial aid award letter from the same institution as the admissions letter you submitted for the institution you will be attending.

Please send these documents as soon as possible, but no later than the June 20, 2011 priority due date. Remember, a scholarship award cannot be determined until you submit all the documents listed above from the institution you will attend during the 2011-2012 academic year.

In addition, for all Scholars who are currently high school seniors, we will request an official copy of your final transcript from your high school showing your final grades and graduation date. Your scholarship award will not be mailed to the college/university you will attend until we receive your final transcript.

The GMS program is much more than a scholarship. GMS' Leadership and Scholar Relations program offers Academic Empowerment services (ACE) to support your academic success and graduate education planning. In addition, we provide a wide range of resources including a GMS leadership conference specifically designed to orient and prepare you to maximize your GMS experience, a mentoring program and an online resource center that gives you access to internships, fellowships and other scholarships.

Please review the documents included with this letter as they will provide you with an overview of many of the GMS initiatives. Should you have any questions about GMS or your scholarship, please do not hesitate to contact us at 415-808-2410 or via e-mail at

Again, congratulations on being selected for this distinguished award. Be sure to also thank your Nominator and Recommender for their support and confidence in your potential.


Cathy Makunga
Vice President of Scholarship Programs, HSF
Gates Millennium Scholars Program

Thousands of Leo Men are Proud of You Eder! Fact Non Verba !

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