Wednesday, March 09, 2011

How the World Wags and We Don't Seem to Mind

Personally, I believe that the death penalty is a very good thing. It is not nice. It is good. It is good, because for ultimate crimes, there must be ultimate consequences.

I did not ask for Charlie Sheen, but there he is; nor, did I ever request Extreme Fighting, Dances with the Stars, TIVO, Cable Rates, Chris Matthews, or Larry The Cable Guy, American Historian.

The world wags because we allow it to do so.

Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan and Cook County States Attorney Anita Alvarez are trumped by Sister Prejean and Bishop Desmond Tutu, as well as every iconic columnist and mouthpiece in the media; especially Lawsuit Lotto Lawyers.

Governor Pat Quinn campaigned to overturn the Death Penalty Ban by Governor Ryan. However, Governor Pat Quinn loves the Easter Bunny. I backed Pat Quinn and hoped that he would have a successful term as Governor. Not gonna happen.

Pat Quin still hugs the Easter Bunny - Abortion is just dandy, but one must not execute a murderous louse.

I noticed a poll in the Tribune.

Death penalty decision
Should Gov. Quinn sign the bill banning the death penalty in Illinois?

Yes. The justice system is too flawed. (17 responses)


Yes. Capital punishment is wrong. (21 responses)


No. Some crimes and criminals deserve a death sentence. (86 responses)


124 total responses

I am in the 69%, but trumped by the Easter Bunny. Well, perhaps a contemporary and hip-poet can go all Vachel Lindsey on Quinn- 'The Easter Bunny That is Forgotten' or
'The Pigeon I can't Recall' . . ."To live in mankind, far, far more * * * than
to live in a name."

Governor Something 'er Other.

Strap in Governor and get ready for the ride of you life. These next four year are not shaping up to be so hot. Ralph Martire still calls the budget and taxes; the All-Star Lefties seem to motivate your decisions. Well, that's just me. Or is it 69% of Illinois?

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