Monday, February 14, 2011

Yes, Dammit, I Take Full Credit for the Recent Events in Cairo and Egypt!

Finally, after inumerable repeated calls and pleas to do so, I take full credit for the democratic out-pouring of freedom in Egypt. That's right! I did it right here from Rockwell, while Anderson Cooper was cowering in a Cairo La Quinta. Not to take away anything from the brave and freedom thirsty throngs in Tahrir Square and clear through the Delta, but I must take full credit. No sense doing this half-assed.

It was nothing really, no more than the mere suggestion to a few well placed fans of . . .With Both Hands - Go ahead Gypos! Take it to the streets - what's the worst that can happen?

Now, if this thing on the Nile goes south badly, try and pin it on me. Go ahead.

President Obama, Julian Assange, GW Bush and the dancers of the new production of that musical rendition of the Damon Runyon reworking of Shaw's Major Barbara - GAYS and Dolls with a new libretto and score by Lord Elton John and Lady Gaga have already claimed credit.

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