Thursday, January 27, 2011

President's Car Stuck in the Snow - Rhetoric, GW Bush, S. Palin, Fox Network and Alderman Ed Burke Admit Complicity

Dang that there Global Warming. Had we but more GE Prodducts like them twisty exploding lighbulbs, we'd be in great shape: Islamist Terrorist would cash-in the C-4 and become Rotary members; Rahm Emanuel would stay on the ballot; Keith Olbermann would find gainful employment; Big Ed Schultz will finally get that Gary, Indiana sized burp-up and I could become more mellow a fellow and see the world through the eyes of a four year old child, or at least a columnist for Huffington Post.

Yep, snow's a coming! Yesterday, the President himself had his Bridgestones stopped in pelting flakes and goo.

WASHINGTON – Heavy snow and icy roads Wednesday night created hazardous condition for President Barack Obama as he returned to the White House from a trip to Wisconsin.

The wintry weather grounded Marine One, the helicopter that typically transports Obama to and from the military base where Air Force One lands. Instead, a motorcade met Obama at the base, and the line of vehicles spent an hour weaving through rush hour traffic already slowed by the storm.

It normally takes the president's motorcade about 20 minutes to travel between the base and the White House.

The president cut short his post-State of the Union trip to Manitowoc, Wis., to try to beat the snow. But by the time Air Force One landed in suburban Maryland shortly before 5 p.m., heavy snow was falling and driving conditions had deteriorated.

Dang, Gibbs will blame the ususal suspects - Tea- Party Grannies, Swedes, Arcola Cheerleaders, GW Bush, the Wasilla Wonder Woman, Moose Lodge 527, and William Bendix.

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