Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Milwaukee Archdiocese Goes Bankrupt - Media Ignores Claim Jumping Attorney

“This action is occurring,” Archbishop Listecki said in a letter to parishioners, “because priest-perpetrators sexually abused minors, going against everything the church and the priesthood represents. As a result, there are financial claims pending against the archdiocese that exceed our means.”

"If there's anyone to press this case, it's Jeff," said David Clohessy, national director for Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, a longtime ally of Anderson. "Jeff doesn't get sole credit, and he wouldn't claim it, but he was among the very first to see the magnitude of this cover-up and is still among the most dedicated to its undoing."

The Milwaukee Archdiocese is Tapioca. Attorney Jeffrey Anderson has been using the priest pedophile tragedy to make millions of dollars. Jeffrey Anderson wants more.

In December, a Los Angeles attorney by name of Donald H. Steier issued a ten page court filing with the Los Angeles Superior Court detailing the fact that more than half of the claims of abuse are spurious at best. The Media ignore that - Chicago Tribune's Spiritualist Ink Slinger Manya Brachear trots out every instance of Catholic Church failure or the navel gazing of self-professed Catholics who don't like the rules. However, any serious inquiry to the fact that there are at least two sides to a story goes into the can. No reporter in Chicago has taken even a gimlet-eyed, much less a hard-eyed view of Jeffrey Anderson, his long and helpful association with SNAP, nor the quality of the claims made against any diocese.

Jeffrey Anderson wants more 'transparency' - opportunities to bring suit against any Catholic diocese -
Twenty-three alleged victims have sued or announced their intention to sue the archdiocese for fraud. Mediation sessions between the archdiocese and the victims’ lawyer, Jeffrey Anderson, who has handled hundreds of abuse lawsuits against the church, ended in a stalemate last month after just two meetings.

The victims had demanded that the archdiocese agree to 14 abuse prevention policies, the most contentious of which was releasing the names and personnel files of every priest accused of abuse. Mr. Anderson said some accused priests might still be in ministry.

But a church spokesman, Jerry Topczewski, said the archdiocese had already released the names of diocesan priests that had been judged by its independent review board to have been “credibly accused” — the standard used by most diocesan review boards.

The archdiocese offered the victims a settlement of $4.6 million, but Mr. Anderson said he would not discuss monetary compensation until the archdiocese met the victims’ demands for transparency.

Jeffrey Anderson, SNAP and the clergy abuse industry ( open any Yellow Pages) needs some light shed on their activities. Donald Streier did so and the media ignore it.

The Catholic Church as an institution bollixed the job on predator priests. Not only did the bishops protect monsters in stiff collars, they opened the door to media opportunists and ambulance chasers. Every creep in a collar has earned a special place in ignominy - Hell, Purgatory or any violent Penitentiary matters not to me. Likewise, those whose motives are money and power deserve a special hot seat as well.

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