Thursday, November 18, 2010

Erroll Garner - Stay Sharp with "I'll Remember April"

Erroll Garner - "This elfin artist possessed one of most felicitous keyboard styles in the annals of jazz, distinguished by delightful dynamic shifts, clever left hand devices and a boisterous sense of swing. This opening track from the famous live date is a fine introduction to Garner's work. He starts with one of those non sequitur piano intros, meandering mini-epics that have no apparent relation to the song they kick off -- another Garner trademark; but when he gets into a groove, he is as unstoppable as a runaway locomotive. Every once in a while, he drops a left-hand chord that explodes off the beat, a pianistic equivalent of an Art Blakey bomb. But he is just as likely to pound those chords out four to a bar. Above all, his solos capture an upbeat, lighthearted attitude that was uncharacteristic of mid-1950s jazz, but which still has its appeal today. My only gripe here is the sound quality, which is sub-par even by Eisenhower-era standards. Still, this is a classic date, and one that every jazz fan should hear." Ted Gioia

I have been here at work since a little after 5AM - loading entries from the great Leo Alumni's contributions to Campaign Leo 2010, the school's fall mailing - total of near $ 20,000 from the day one tally.

To fight the tedium and stay somewhat sharp, as sharp as this middle aged opaque blob of an intellect is capable, I listen Errol Garner.

Thus - I'll Rememeber April

MommoHD - Errol Garner - I’II Remember April

This lovely day will lengthen into evening,
We'll sigh good-bye to all we've ever had,
Alone where we have walked together,
I'll remember April and be glad....

I'll be content, you loved me once in April,
Your lips were warm, and love an' spring were new,
But I'm not afraid of autumn, and her sorrow,
For I'll remember, ( I'll remember )
April and you! ( I'll remember )

The fire will dwindle into glowing ashes,
For flames and love live such a little while . . .
I won't forget, but I won't be lonely, ( Oh, no . . . )
I'll remember April, and I'll smile . . .

The fire will dwindle into glowing ashes,
For flames and love live such a little while ( a little while )

I won't forget, but I won't be lonely ( I won't be lonely )
I'll remember April, and I'll smile . . .

I won't forget but I won't be lonely, no . . .
I'll remember April, and I'll smile!

This lovely day will fade away

Stay sharp!

1 comment:

  1. Try Coleman Hawkins
    The Hawk Flies High.
