Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Crains's Chicago Business and Greg Hinz Smear Sheriff Dart and Former Sheriff Sheahan and the 19th Ward in Two Smarmy Paragraphs.

Sheriff Mike Sheahan is the only elected official to my knowledge who did not profit from public service. This I know for a fact. I try to avoid getting behind Mike Sheahan in the check-out lines at County Fair Foods, because it is a sure bet that it will take a good twenty minutes of coupon counting, before my groceries get tallied.

Nevertheless, Media Types like Mark Brown, Carol Marin, and hugely unfunny Neil Steinberg take lame-ass shots at Sheriff Sheahan and the 19th Ward.

Here is Greg Hinz attempting out-Neil Steinberg on the Mayoral Race -

But the real question is how much Mr. Dart has cleaned up the sheriff's office, which for a couple of decades has been pretty much a 19th Ward fiefdom. Mr. Dart seems to have done a pretty good job, but then, he was chief aide to former Sheriff Mike Sheahan, who caught lots of flak.

You can bet the sheriff's operation will get a full airing before the mayoral vote. Mr. Dart doesn't need any other stumbles.

Greg another one those EVERYONE KNOWS it is true Craptabulous Columinist Pimp Slaps! Really. Shakman! Greg, Shakman!

Gee, Greg EVERYONE know s that Crain's Chicago Business is in bed with Rahm Emanuel - all of the Smart Money. EVERYONE KNOWS THAT!

Oh, that's right. I am not a columnist. Can't get away with that. I'd like to see Sheriff Michael Sheahan ( ret.) hire Joe Powers and sue Crain's and your sorry ass for defamation of character.
What is the exact statistical breakdown of 19th Ward residents in the employ of the Cook County Sheriff?

Mike Quigley used to wow cocktail waitresses with what passes for his wit with a snotty crack about 19th Ward residents with County Plates. No numbers, just Profiling.

19th Ward profiling is acceptable, because Irish Catholics rarely take people like Greg Hinz, or Neil Steinberg by their rolled lapels, pull them up close for a 'chin wag' let alone for a trip outside and a thorough and salubrious beating. Rarely.


  1. What is fiefdom? I'm not bright enough to understand. Also, I don't really get the point of buddy 's article. Not shit, Dart's office will get a full airing. I mean, that's politics 101: go tot the employer and find out the dirt. Sorry Pat, but that guy just wasted my time. Now, back to reading the dictionary.

  2. A Fiefdom, my dear Ms. Holder is a domain of consisting of Fiefs.

    Fiefs are inherted bits of land which, under allodial title, belonged to a Lord who owned the loyalty of all persons receiving bits of land within the fiefdom.

    They were called vassals to the Lord. Fief has come to mean fee -etymolofgically speaking. A debt paid for services rendered.

    In our Godless and smarmy times application of Medieval terms takes on the semiotic tag of 'corruption or larcenous' and, thus, gives cowards cover to imply deceit without proof.

    The employment of Fiefdom by columnists is by now considered quite hackneyed and sad, by better people - patriots and taxpaying helots.

    Dart will have all manner of creature crawling up his skivies and Master Hinz is but one.

  3. The average voter has zero time to figure out what these writers are really saying. A ruler's control over property in the Land of FiefDUMB is not the voters' concern. Dart just needs to steer clear of the opposition's wack language and he will be just fine. Hail to the fief!

  4. Hey Hickey,

    Just found your blog and have to stop reading, as I must get out of the office and head home. Though now in Dupa county, raised on south side and largely in the 19th Ward; I know the County Fair like the back of my hand. Lots of cousins, aunts, uncles, brothers, sister, etc. out there. I confess: BRHS. My dad went to De LaSalle. But some uncles went to Leo.

    BTW: The word "fief" comes, I think, from some middle English or Saxon word for cow, as in "veal." Same for "fee" as in, you own your home in fee simple estate.

  5. Hi Kev,

    County Fair s the jewel in the crown of Western Ave. and the place to meet and greet the neighbors and the cousins.

    The other 'must' venue is Kean Gas on 111th Street - the working man's Salon in the AM for Coffee And . . . no issue too delicate or PC for the opinion makers and and Manhood Breakers who assemble and dissemble.
