Saturday, September 11, 2010

Rick Kogan Hosts Leo President for Institutional Advancement Dan McGrath on WGN 720's Sunday Papers

Leo High School President for Institutional Advancement Dan McGrath, the best prose writer in America, joins Chicago's Best Voice - Rick Kogan for The Sunday Papers tomorrow Morning!

Rick Kogan has a voice like the Wannamaker Church organ in Philly* and we get to hear it every Sunday morning, as we get gussied up for Mass and Services. This Sunday, Rick's guest is Dan McGrath and together they will toccata and fugue the mission of Leo High School, the Catholic high school for young men in the Auburn Gresham neighborhood that provides a quality college preparatory education and sends 93% of its graduates to college and balance into the skilled trades and public service.

The Sunday Papers with Rick Kogan
Sundays 6:30 a.m.
Rick Kogan starts off your Sunday morning with stories unique to Chicago and discussions on the news and oddities of the day . . .

Rick Kogan -Named Chicago's Best Reporter in 1999 and inducted into the Chicago Journalism Hall of Fame in 2003, Rick Kogan is currently a senior writer and columnist for the Chicago Tribune's Sunday magazine. He began his career at 16, working for the Chicago Sun-Times during the tumultuous Democratic Convention of 1968 and in various writing capacities over the next decade. He was later on the staff of Panorama, the arts and entertainment section of the Chicago Daily News.

When that paper ceased publication in 1978, Kogan joined the Sun-Times, where he worked the night shift, covering crime; served as entertainment editor; investigative reporter, feature writer and critic. His weekly columns on the city's nightclub scene were collected in a book, "Dr. Night Life's Chicago."

By the mid-1980s, he was on the staff of the Chicago Tribune where he was TV critic for five years and later the editor of Tempo, the paper's daily feature section. He was for five years the personal editor of the syndicated Ann Landers column.

A frequent guest on national radio and television shows, he has been an on-air critic for WBBM radio and WBBM-TV; was creator/host of "The Sunday Papers" on WLUP-FM radio; co-host of the daily "Media Creatures" program on AM1000 radio; and a featured weekly commentator on the television program Fox Thing in the Morning.

He has written 12 books, including, in collaboration with his father, Yesterday's Chicago, and in collaboration with Tribune colleague Maurice Possley, the best-selling Everybody Pays: Two Men, One Murder and the Price of Truth. His America's Mom: The Life, Lesson and Legacy of Ann Landers, was published in 2003. His latest books are A Chicago Tavern, the history of the Billy Goat, and a collection of the Sidewalks columns he writes for the Tribune magazine, embellished by Charles Osgood's photographs. He is also the narrator of an hour-long, 10-part Discovery Channel series titled Escaped!

The Wanamaker Grand Court Organ, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is the largest operational[1] pipe organ in the world, located within a spacious 7-story court at Macy's Center City (formerly Wanamaker's department store). The largest organ is the Boardwalk Hall Auditorium Organ (which is barely functional). The Wanamaker organ is played twice a day, Monday through Saturday, and more frequently during the Christmas season. The organ is also featured at several special concerts held throughout the year, including events featuring the Friends of the Wanamaker Organ Festival Chorus and Brass Ensemble.


  1. You forgot my favorite of Rick's books, Sabers & Suites--the history of the Ambassador East Hotel and The Pump Room (1983)

  2. Ignorance, my dear Max, pure ignorance on my part!
