Thursday, September 09, 2010

Hot Livers and Cold Purses - Chicago's Daley Dynasty Wake

Lord Bardolph. My lord, do you see these meteors? do you behold
these exhalations? Henry V. I do.
Lord Bardolph. What think you they portend?
Henry V. Hot livers and cold purses.
History of Henry IV, Part I;Act II, Scene 4 ll. 1303-1308

In Shakespeare's History Play about dynastic succession, Henry IV, Part I, the young Prince Hal is a King in waiting - a young man who hides his genius and talent for governance among louts, losers and layabouts, until the time is ripe to do his country's service. God willing there is a Prince Hal to follow Chicago's Richard II.

Not having gone to De La Salle Institute( The Mighty Meteors) Home to Most of Chicago’s Mayors, Prince Hal offered -

“Hot Livers and Cold Purses.” That, Boys and Girls, signals what awaits the next – Chicago Mayor – Drunkenness ( with Power, Vanity, or Virtue?) and Poverty. Whoever emerges an invisible budget awaits.

The candidate who steps up must either be an Iron Man or a Victim – a willing one on both scores.

There is a parade of pretenders to the power. Let us hope that one emerges who has at least climbed the gradus (the steps) of public service. Experience and a record of service must be the touchstones.

The Sun Times offers this early poll of candidates -

If the election to replace Mayor Daley were held today, who would you vote for?
Ald. Tom Allen (38th)
17% 1981 votes
Ald. Edward Burke (14th)
19% 2244 votes
Ald. Walter Burnett (27th)
2% 252 votes
City Colleges Board Chairman Gery Chico
0% 36 votes
Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart
3% 416 votes
City Clerk Miguel Del Valle
10% 1150 votes
Rep. Danny Davis (D-Chicago)
0% 36 votes
Presidential Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel
2% 302 votes
Ald. Bob Fioretti (2nd)
4% 532 votes
U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.)
0% 45 votes
Ald. Leslie Hairston (5th)
0% 6 votes
Ex-City Inspector General David Hoffman
9% 1043 votes
Cook County Assessor Jim Houlihan
5% 647 votes
City Schools Chief Ron Huberman
0% 27 votes
Ald. Sandi Jackson (7th)
0% 22 votes
U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-Ill.)
0% 48 votes
Attorney General Lisa Madigan
3% 340 votes
State Sen. Rev. James Meeks
0% 39 votes
Former Ald. Terry Peterson
0% 27 votes
U.S. Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Ill.)
0% 44 votes
Ald. Brendan Reilly (42nd)
0% 29 votes
Ald. Tom Tunney (44th)
15% 1771 votes
Ald. Scott Waugespack (32nd)
2% 266 votes

Total Votes: 11303

It will be either an Iron Man or an Idiot.

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