Thursday, September 02, 2010

Congressman Danny Davis' Bread and Circuses . . .er Services! Follow the Money Newshounds

Illinois was ravaged by floods from July until August this year. My basement floods every time an Alderman weeps. Not too bad, shop vac out the gallons - dehumidify - fight the mold! However, six blocks west of me and four blocks north of me, neighbors on Troy, Spaulding, and other north and south streets between 111th & 103rd had their finished basements ruined.

Four Guys Flood Protection, ServiceMagic Lords of the Rings, The Dry Guys, Basement Magic and other flood protecting vans flooded the 19th Ward.

All this week, lines of people -suffering people - who may have had flood waters cascade over the window sills of their third and fourth floor windows of their rental units lined up in the broiling heat to get - money on plastic!

Despite questions of the proof residents need to submit in order to receive flood assistance benefits, at least two state leaders say the program is being managed effectively.

"I think it's very difficult in such a short period of time, to put in play and in force the very same requirements that exist for FEMA assistance," said Rep. Danny Davis during the opening of a new Federal Emergency Management Administration disaster relief center in Chicago's Austin neighborhood.

Since Monday, the Illinois Department of Human Services has been offering flood relief assistance through its food stamp program known as SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. It's all meant to help those who experienced flood damage from the torrential rains that swept the area in late July.

The money is deposited on LINK cards for food-related expenses.

"I had to throw out a lot of things. I had to replace a lot of things," said one man waiting in line outside an aid office in Melrose Park.

More than $2.4 million worth of electronic food stamps were handed out on Tuesday, WLS-TV reported, adding that of those who applied, 5,691 households were approved for benefits. Just 58 were denied.

To qualify for the aid, residents must live or work in one of the designated disaster areas and had damage to their home or business, had disaster-related expenses not reimbursed, or had a loss or reduction of income between July 22 through Aug. 20.

No proof of flooding damage is needed.
NO Body! I mean NO body does crocodile tears like Danny Davis . . .except maybe Gator Bradley and G. Flint Taylor.
Danny had both eyebrows batting away on the NBC 5 report by the tough and gentlemanly Christian Farr -click my post title.

Rev. Moon acolyte, Danny Davis opened his FEMA offices! How did word of the giveaway get disseminated? Alderman Emma Mitts knew.

There was no - e-mail blast from my Ward Offices.

Were other Wards shut out of Bonanza?

Media Newshounds! How about a peek under Danny Davis's Tent-of Plenty?

Follow the money? Get on the FEMA-Link Gate?

Who is involved up to their necks in the Danny Davis Plastic Free Money Giveaway?
Follow the Dough - Don'cha Know? Sneedless to say.

Gotta ask, Danny! It's seems as simple as staying in your lane while driving . . .Oh, that was unfortunate.

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