Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Aborting a Child is the Essence of Domestic Violence, Wendy Pollack, Abortion is Killing a Child, HBO Not-Withstanding

Bill Maher's writer for his HBO Yawn - Real Time, like his boss needs to have his teeth loosened. This should have been performed years ago by their elders and betters, but . . .no time like the present. In attacking Sarah Palin, the Progressive Pussy ( short script for Pusillanimous) - Letterman, Maher, Moore, Olbermann, Matthews and this Mick half-wit, Chris Kelly, abuse a kid - Bristol Palin.

Here is what the Progressive mind finds amusing -

Bristol's mother, Aimee Semple McFacebook, had thrown her support behind Murkowski's opponent, and cited his position on abortion- - really, really against it -- as the reason.

So, here's Alaska's position as of today: Unwed, pregnant teenagers getting abortions? Bad. Unwed pregnant teenagers doing the Cha-cha-cha? Good.

Got it.

The Republicans do have a jobs plan. And it's all babysitters.

But here's the part where I get confused. The pressure group behind Alaska's new parental notification law said it was a good idea because . . .
Side splitting, Jagoff.

Then, to bring it down a just a bit this JO ( onanist) Kelly offers a Planned Parenthood sober reminder - (aside : how did this asshole grow without a daily ass kicking?)

34 states have laws that require parental consent or notice before abortion, and these laws have led to fewer abortions, lower rates of teen pregnancy and more responsible behavior among teenagers.

Huffington Post, for which Kelly scribbles his Abortion hackery, is full court press for Planned Parenthood which owns Illinois Democrats.

Wendy Pollack who writes for Huffington Post as well as lobbies for The Shriver Center - a Planned Parenthood, ACORN, ACLU and SEIU money laundering operation - writes that Teen Pregnancy and Domestic Violence are bad. Only Abortion can Help.

Remember, 34 states have laws that require parental consent or notice before abortion, and these laws have led to fewer abortions, lower rates of teen pregnancy and more responsible behavior among teenagers.

Illinois is one of them and Bill Maher's Chris Kelly is on the case trashing Bristol Palin!

Now, here is Wendy!

Moving forward, the Shriver Center is working with advocates in Illinois and other states to gain traction for this issue. At the federal level, funding has been designated for state programs to support pregnant and parenting students and young women; Illinois is one of several states that applied for this funding and is awaiting a decision from the newly established Office of Adolescent Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Also at the federal level, Representative Jared Polis (D-CO) introduced the Pregnant and Parenting Students Access to Education Act which reflects much of the goals and the language of the original Ensuring Success in School bill as it relates to expectant and parenting youth. In Illinois, the Shriver Center is working with other advocates on next steps for the task force's recommendations and to create a curriculum to train school personnel on how to recognize and respond appropriately to students who are survivors of domestic or sexual violence and students who are parents or expectant parents. With these and other initiatives, these students who are at risk of poor school performance and/or dropping out have a better chance at being able to stay in school, stay safe while in school, and successfully complete their education.

The teenager who aborts her child will not get slapped around by the boy who knocked her up! WIN WIN WENDY! Task force my broad manly ass, Wendy - these are some worms.

Wendy's eyes must be brown!

No Wendy. Abortion is violence. There are no laugh tracts or Bill Maheresque Bass Thumps. Only that Hump finds Bass Thumps riveting.

Wendy Pollack and the Illinois Legislators who backed this legislation and any legislation that leads to a child's death is a violence enabler.

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