Sunday, August 29, 2010

Lordy! Louisiana Voters Think Bush Did a Better Job of Handling Crisis Than Obama by 54%-33% President Shrimp Toast Heads for Big Easy!

Louisiana Voters Think Bush Did a Better Job of Handling Crisis Than Obama by 54%-33%! Yep, The Levee Breaks Both Ways I guess.

Louisiana has face two major crisis in recent years. The first was hurricane Katrina handled by former President Bush. The second was the Gulf oil spill handled by current President Obama. A PPP poll asked likely voters who they think is better at handling crisis, Obama or Bush. 54% chose President Bush. Only 33% picked President Obama.

Now the Fresh Prince of Marth's Vineyard, President Shrimp Toast, has ordered that his bags be re-packed for . . . THE BIG EASY!!!!

Obama is to speak Sunday afternoon at Xavier University, a historically black, Catholic university that was badly flooded by the storm. The White House says he will discuss what's been done and remains to be done in rebuilding from Katrina, and also talk about an oil spill cleanup that's been complicated by conflicting assessments of how much oil remains and its long-term effects.When the promises of the governments in US and EU go unfulfilled.

The Late Cook County Board President -John Stroger went to St. Xav's!

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