Friday, August 06, 2010

Friday Night Noise -Alley Ooop! Words Matter

He's the toughest man there is alive
(Alley Oop) Wearin' clothes from a wildcat's hide
(Alley Oop) He's the king of the jungle jive
(Look at that cave man go!!) (SCREAM)

He rides thru the jungle tearin' limbs offa trees
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
Knockin' great big monstahs dead on their knees
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
The cats don't bug him cuz they know bettah
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)
Cuz he's a mean motah scootah and a bad go-gettah
(Alley Oop, oop, oop, oop-oop)

(Alley Oop) He's the toughest man there is alive
(Alley Oop) Wearin' clothes from a wildcat's hide
(Alley Oop) He's the hullie-gullie king of jive
(Look at that cave man go!!) (SCREAM)

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