Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Caveat Labor -Chicago Labor, Being Union Does Not Mean Playing ball with Reds.

American Labor helped create the American Middle Class. Public Service Unions in league with SEIU - a PAC - are hell-bent on dstroying the Middle Class.

The Skilled and Industrial Trades should step away from these folks.

This is most disturbing. Please read -

On the national level, Unions have changed priorities. No longer is their primary objective to protect the rights of their own rank and file, their objectives has moved into politics and a progressive/Marxist objective. Hence their support of many of the Administrations policies such as Obamacare, the auto bailout and the financial regulation bill. For an administration that claims to have no special interests, Unions have been able to influence presidential policy like never before. For example the President's executive order, known as the “High Road Contracting Policy”gives preferential treatment to government construction contractors that pay their hourly workers a "union wage" and provide additional benefits such as health insurance, employer-funded retirement plans and paid sick leave. In other words, the POTUS is "cutting out" the 85% of construction companies that are non-union shops out of the $500 billion dollar market of Federal construction Jobs. A move that not only depresses the Construction industry, but raises the cost of Federal construction projects between 10-20% increasing the federal deficit.

Fresh from their domination of presidential policy, the unions are moving into building the progressive/Marxist base. The latest example of which is the AFL/CIO joining a Marxist coalition to get out the vote in the midterm election.

The following appeared in People's World a magazine for the Marxist/Communist movements in the United Sates:

The AFL-CIO executive committee voted unanimously this morning to join One Nation, Working Together, a new national coalition of labor and civil rights groups that has as its purpose to "reorder America's priorities by investing in the nation's most valuable resource - its people."

The labor, civil rights, environmental, faith and other organizations that have formed the new coalition intend to replace unemployment and economic crisis faced by the country's majority with "nothing less than a future of shared prosperity for all our people," the AFL-CIO said in a statement after it voted to join One Nation.

"None of us alone have been able to achieve our priorities," said Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO.

One Nation's first official act as a coalition will be a march on Washington on Oct. 2, which unions say will energize an army of tens of thousands who will return to their neighborhoods, churches, schools and voting booths to prevent a Republican takeover of Congress in November and begin building a new permanent coalition to fight for a progressive agenda.
The AFL-CIO joins groups such as The NAACP, SEIU 1199, Green for All, National Council of La Raza, US Student Association, and the Center for Community Change in the "One Nation, Working Together" effort.

The "One Nation, Working Together" Get out the vote movement is led by United for Peace and Justice

United for Peace and Justice is leading an effort to bring the peace movement into these mobilizations UFPJ joins the AFL-CIO, SEIU and a broad range of civil rights, labor, peace and social justice organizations in endorsing this call and in organizing for August 28 and October 2 to bring as visible and strong message to the Obama Administration that it is time to deliver on their promises to end war and rebuild our country!
You can tell the objectives of an organization by its friends, United For Peace and Justice seeks friends who are for "social justice," "globalization" (world-wide redistribution of income), and who are against multi-national American corporations.

UFPJ will seek to strengthen our alliances and working relationships with other forces in the antiwar movement, as well as the movements for global economic, environmental and social justice. Our international work will be based on respect for the sovereignty of other nations and a commitment to human rights and international law. We will support and seek cooperation with our sister organizations around the world, and we will act in solidarity with progressive groups and individuals within the United States and the nations occupied by U.S. forces.
These are the people running UFPJ (the group's steering committee) most are from Marxist, progressive, or communist groups:

Dana Balicki -- Code Pink
Phyllis Bennis -- Institute of Policy Studies
Frida Berrigan -- War Resisters League
Jackie Cabasso -- Western States Legal Foundation
Steve Carlson -- Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice
Libero Della Piana -- Communist Party USA
Matt De Vlieger -- Orlando Peace and Justice
Lisa Fithian -- Alliance for Community Trainers, Inc.
Joseph Gainza -- American Friends Service Committee - Vermont
Nora Gordon -- Brooklyn For Peace
Katie Heald -- PDX Peace Coalition
Mike Hearington -- Georgia Peace and Justice Coalition
Bill Henning -- US Labor Against the War
Marilyn Katz -- Chicagoans Against War and Injustice
Hany Khalil -- War Times
Leslie Kielson -- NYC - United For Peace and Justice
Siu Hin Lee -- National Immigration Solidarity Network
Siri Margerin -- Bay Area - United For Peace and Justice
George Martin -- Milwaukee Coalition for a Just Peace
Monami Maulik -- Desis Rising Up and Moving - DRUM
Deb McIntyre -- South Dakota Peace and Justice Center
Michael McPhearson -- Veterans For Peace
Bamshad Mobasher -- Oakland Park Coalition for Truth and Justice
Perry O'Brien -- Iraq Veterans Against the War
Shauen Pearce -- Fellowship of Reconciliation
Baltazar Pinguel -- American Friends Service Committee
Terry Rockefeller -- September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
Virginia Rodino -- Baltimore - United For Peace and Justice
Larry Syverson -- Military Families Speak Out
David Wildman -- US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Marxists, progressives, or even Communists leading a protest to get their supporters to come out and vote for their candidates. What is wrong is for Union Leaders to support these groups without the full knowledge and understanding of their membership. The AFL-CIO is telling its members that they are joining in a get out the vote movement with organizations that have similar objectives as theirs. ( Emphasis My Own)
I wonder what their rank and file would say if they announced they were joining together with Marxist, Communist, and progressive groups, whose objectives are social justice," world-wide redistribution of income (taking money out of their pockets and giving it to workers of less-developed nations) and who are against the multi-national American corporations who sign their paychecks. They would probably look for new leadership.

H/T Yid with Lid

John L. Lewis tossed the Reds out of American Labor in the 1930's - that was the beginning of the great Middle Class and the American Standard of Living.

What's next?

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