Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Homicides Keep Coming - Auburn Gresham Killing Zones

Last week Chicago Tribune's Tracy Schwartz presented some of the homicides in Auburn Gresham neighborhood - the home to Leo High School. I am here nearly every day.

Savages kill because they can - it does not require Emile Zola or Enrico Fermi to figure that out. Guns are used because they are easy to get and the quickest and most effective means of dispatching another human being to the Other Side; however, Savages ( bi-peds void of any moral sense or understanding)will use knives, machettes, planks, the odd piece of scrap metal, or huge chunks of concrete to effect another's demise. Guns mostly are used. Guns kill people in much the same manner that pencils fail examinations.

Savages are parsed by opinion columnists as later day Jean Valjean's or petted as half-wits. Lawyers take up their cause along with editorial boards - if it bleeds it leads!

Ms. Swartz offered a fine report -

Auburn Gresham saw its 2010 homicide toll reach a dozen victims this week, a RedEye analysis of preliminary police data found.

A 33-year-old man was shot to death Sunday in the 8300 block of South Hermitage Avenue in the Far South Side community area, police said.

All of Auburn Gresham's 12 homicides this year have been fatal shootings, RedEye determined. The victims, 11 males and one female, ranged in age from 15 to 44, RedEye found.

Citywide, fatal shootings were recorded in North Lawndale, Oakland and Washington Heights in the last week, RedEye determined. Meanwhile, a 23-year-old man was fatally stabbed Saturday in South Shore, police said.

Nineteen homicides have been recorded so far this month, RedEye found. Police recorded 58 homicides in July last year, RedEye found.
July 15 – Anthony Cox, a 16 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in Englewood.
> Read more about this homicide.
July 15 – Jeremiah Sterling, a 16 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in West Pullman.
> Read more about this homicide.
July 11 – Jerome Cole, a 33 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in Auburn Gresham.
> Read more about this homicide.
July 10 – Kemanuel Montgomery, a 23 year old black male, caused by a stabbing in South Shore.
> Read more about this homicide.
July 9 – Eric Hughes, a 21 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in Washington Heights.
> Read more about this homicide.

People get slaughtered, lawyers net 30%, papers sell and idiots get re-elected.

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