Sunday, July 11, 2010

G. Flint Taylor 17 At-Bats Against Jon Burge, No Runs, No Hits, 17 Errors

Jon Burge was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice by Federal Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald.

That, to my knowledge, is only time that Jon Burge was convicted of anything and that trial, in my opinion, was scripted over the last thirty years by G. Flint Taylor.

With Full orchestra and chorus of Chicago's Academics, Cadillac Commie lawyers, political race hustlers like Ed Smith and Danny 'Any Lane' Davis, 501(c) 3 radical leftist and our very lazy and complacent Chicago Editorial Boards and columnists, playing flat-out and G. Flint Taylor needed the Feds and full and sober majesty of Justice Department squeezing every person within twenty zip-codes near Jon Burge ever. G. Flint Taylor did not even use the T-Ball Gizmo in his quiver -settling out of court, because in-court he whiffs up a storm.

The city has paid $10.1 million in outside counsel fees for Mr. Burge’s legal defense in civil cases. Mr. Burge’s accusers and their advocates are questioning why the city is continuing to pick up the costly tab for his defense after he was found guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice on June 28. Mr. Burge, 62, has been a defendant in 17 civil rights lawsuits filed in federal court.

17 at-bats for G. Flint. Not one hit. Fitzy pinch-hit and sailed one over the ivy.

G. Flint Taylor is a making millions of dollars. He sends convicted murdering thugs wanting to get on the Lawsuit Lotto bus to other attorneys demanding that the lawyers forego fees -Pron Bono Work-while G. Flint Taylor pockets large.

Goofs like Ald. Ed Smith are now on the Burge bus as well.

I would love to see one (1) Chicago journalist connect a few of the dots in the G. Flint Taylor Great Chain of Being All About Burge. I would love to see one (1) article. I would love to see Le Bron James decide to give up basketball and go Law School.

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