Thursday, July 08, 2010

Fighting Violence - Cops Get Killed and Sued and Abused

A Young Chicago Police Officer was murdered by a savage with his own service weapon. Yesterday we learned that the 'wrongfully accused' youth in the Ryan Harris murder is going away for attempted murder. Tionda and Diamond Bradley, for whom prayers have been offered at Sacred Heart Catholic Church every Sunday since the little girls went missing, are yet unaccounted for - two very good former Homicide Detectives still believe that the little girls were murdered. Officially they jsut went missing. Now a young CPD hero is the victim of the violence in Chicago's Thug Comfort Zone. Outlaw some savages, City Council. You can bet that this murdering louse, recuperating in Advocate Christ Hospital, will in a very few years remeber that he was tortured and disrespected yesterday and G. Flint Taylor an League of Cadillac Commie Lawyers will take up his wrong-imprisonment.

This is heart-breaking and all too common.

A Chicago police officer working a detail dedicated to addressing youth violence was shot and killed when a man grabbed the officer's gun and shot him outside a police building in the Englewood neighborhood.

Thor Soderberg, 43, was leaving the facility at 61st Street and Racine Avenue after work about 3:45 p.m. and was walking to a parking lot when he got into a struggle with a 24-year-old man who disarmed the officer and shot him, Assistant Supt. James Jackson said.

The man then tried to rob someone at gunpoint a short distance away, Jackson said. Officers from the facility heard shots and exchanged gunfire with the suspect and shot him, Jackson saidPreliminary reports say Soderberg, who was in uniform, was shot in the head..

Officer, Christ Welcomes You!

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