Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Your Gaza Peace Activists!

Witness the Peace Activists! Kevin Clark, Chicago's Protected Louse, and his Free Gaza pals send kids in harm's way and then he commands a microphone. Sadly, Chicago's News Media does its usual lapdog work and gives this louse a free pass.

God Help Israel -evidently Team Obama is sitting this one out. Jan Schakowsky* has had some experience with the Turkish Foreign Office; perhaps there is way too much to this compelling narrative.

The BRAD BLOG has attempted to contact Schakowsky's office over the weekend, but they have yet to return several calls and emails seeking comment. We will, of course, update this story if we are able to receive comment. [UPDATE: Schakowsky's office has now offered a response, rebuttal to the allegations here...]

Edmonds says in the Giraldi interview that "in 2000 ... Turkish agents started gathering information on her, and they found out that she was bisexual." A female Turkish agent is said to have "struck up a relationship with her," and then, following the death of Schakowsky's mother, the woman is said to have attended the funeral "hoping to exploit her vulnerability."

"They later were intimate in Schakowsky's townhouse," Edmonds tells Giraldi, "which had been set up with recording devices and hidden cameras."

The reason for attempting to get at Schakowsky, Edmonds believes, is so that they would be able to get both her "and her husband Robert Creamer to perform certain illegal operational facilitations for them in Illinois," along with Hastert, who was already on the payroll, and several other Chicago officials.

Edmonds has previously disclosed some of Hastert's dealings with shady Turkish operatives. Many of those charges were originally detailed in a 2005 Vanity Fair exposé by David Rose, which focused on the allegations of payoffs to Hastert by the Turks to the tune of some half a million dollars, or more.

Schakowsky's husband, lobbyist Robert Creamer, was indicted on 16 counts of bank fraud in 2004. In 2005 he pleaded guilty to one count and was sentenced to five months in prison and 11 months of house arrest. He was released from the federal penitentiary in 2006.

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