Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Skinny and Houli Welcome Dan McGrath -Tonight on Radio AM 950 at 6PM

Skinny - "Houli, Dan McGrath is the finest prose crafter since Ring Lardner penciled a score card at Sox Park."

Houli - " Lawless, Billy Lawless fills the bill, Skinny."

Skinny -"You're daft man! Billy Lawless is a civic-minded saloon keeper."

Houli - " I'm daft? Rewind, please."

Wednesday 6-8 PM

Special guests this week include Dan McGrath, sports writer for the Chicago News Cooperative, an innovative news web site dedicated to building communities through quality journalism. The Chicago News Coop contributes Chicago stories to the New York Times on Fridays and Sundays. Also joining us is Billy Lawless, owner of The Irish Oak in Wrigleyville and The Gage on Michigan Avenue. Billy is very involved with immigration reform as a native of Galway, Ireland. Plus, we will have Mind Over Matter, one of the groups performing at this weekend's Gospel Fest in Millennium Park.

Skinny and Houli -Chicago's Genuine Pour of Plain Speaking Radio!

Tune-in for Real Radio at Avenue 950 AM on your radio dial!

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