Monday, June 14, 2010

Our Cry Wolf White House Again! "Gulf fuels new energy-bill push"

Sure looks like President Ponzi.

President Obama handled the Gulf Spill like Jimmy Carter handled the Iran Hostages. The leak was not his fault, as we all know is was British Petroleum (BP) - The Ken Lay and Bernie Maddof of Hope and Change.

Now, President Obama and the Mandarins of the DNC are set to do more damage -

“In the aftermath of the spill, people firmly believe Congress needs to do more than just make BP pay. Even when pressed with opposition messaging that now is not the time for some ‘job killing energy tax,’ people coalesce around comprehensive clean energy reform. Consequently, support for a comprehensive energy bill is very high. With the right messaging, that support holds strong in the face of harsh opposition attacks.”

Consequently, you can take all of your Markey/Waxman Carbon Credits and place them where no solar energy can reach them.

I'm going to gas- up at BP on 103rd & Western Avenue - I have many friends who work at BP in Whiting, Indiana.

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