Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Loevy & Loevy v. Law Enforcement - You Tube Blue & Five Cop Geologists

Arthur Loevy was a labor lawyer for Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union ("ACTWU")and he became the top of the labor pyramid -Secretary Treasurer -International Executive Vice President of ACTWU, International Secretary-Treasurer of ACTWU that is the co-captain of the team along with President. Huge. A Titan. Then he left? What happened?

He became a salaried legal consultant for a Police Union?

Then, Jon Loevy gets tossed a heater case by old Al Holfeld a lawyer who tried to be a U.S. Senator and Illinois Attorney General and Dad came back armed with knowledge about cops and how cops work and think.

He had Cops and Loevy and Loevy still have cops - These five:

William Stutzman Wheeling P D ( RET )

Solomon Smith Maywood P D ( RET )*

Michael Dwyer Evergreen Pakr P D

Marty McGrath Oak Lawn P D

Butch McGorkle Burbank P D

These police officers played an active part in the launching of the Loevy & Loevy law firm and three have an active part with barrister Arthur Loevy - to this day
Kind of like that Man from Glad looking guy on the old Perry Mason show? No. He was a private dick. These are cops. States Attorneys get cops. Loevy & Loevy? Moonlight work, I suppose, and probably lucrative.

Three cops still on the job and two retired do the geological survey and find the gold.

It's an industry and Loevy and Loevy is industrious.

More down the pike, Kids.

* FYI -

Bellwood deputy chief lacks arrest powers
In spite of his involvement in two high profile arrests earlier this year, Bellwood's second-highest ranking police officer is not qualified to place individuals under arrest.
In fact, Deputy Chief George Murray is not even listed on the Bellwood Police Department's official roster with the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board, though he was hired two years ago.
The ILETSB is the agency which oversees all law-enforcement and correctional officers in the state, outside of the Illinois State Police.
Murray was hired by Bellwood in 2003 after he retired from the State Police, where he served for nearly 30 years.
Since the State Police have their own training process, different from that which municipal officers go through, Murray would have had to apply for a waiver from the ILETSB in order to qualify as an officer for the Bellwood department.
But that waiver was never issued and the ILETSB has no record of Murray.
"They have to let us know he was hired and ask for a waiver based on the fact that he was trained by the State Police, but I don't have any of that," said Sheila Albright, spokeswoman for the ILETSB. "He is not listed as a certified officer in Illinois."
Also not listed on Bellwood's roster is Wilson Pierce, Bellwood's public safety director and interim police chief, who was hired at the same time as Murray.
Pierce refused to comment on the matter.
"I can simply tell you that Deputy Chief Murray has (nearly) 30 years of experience as a police officer with the Illinois State Police," Pierce said.
He refused to comment on why a waiver wasn't applied for with the ILETSB that would allow Murray to make arrests.
As for why neither Murray or Pierce were added to Bellwood's official police roster, Pierce responded, "I wouldn't know what that reason was."
Pierce said the public safety director position is purely administrative and that he has not made any arrests, but refused to comment on whether he holds the power to make arrests.
When reached by telephone, Murray would not answer questions about his qualifications.
Since Murray is not recognized as a certified police officer, he is not allowed to make arrests or carry a weapon -- both of which he has done.
One of Murray's arrest came April 8 when Jeanette Johnson, a Bellwood police officer and former Bellwood School District 88 Board president, was charged with battery to a police officer, resisting a peace officer and violating election code.
Johnson's attorney, Tom Crooks, said he filed a motion to dismiss the resisting charge at a Friday hearing due to the information that Murray is not a peace officer.
No judgment was made on the motion and the case was continued until Aug. 5, said Colin Simpson of the Cook County State's Attorney's Office.
"I had a brief conversation with the deputy chief and asked him if he had a wavier and he said he did not and he wanted to talk to the town's lawyers, so I continued it for a short date," Simpson said.
Another arrest Murray made may also hinge on whether he is determined by the court to be unqualified to make arrest, Simpson said.
On March 31, then Bellwood mayoral candidate David Ireland and his campaign coordinator Solomon Smith were arrested at a Metra station and charged with disorderly conduct and resisting a peace officer after allegedly removing campaign literature from car windows.
Murray was the arresting officer in that case, Ireland said.
"He was the officer in charge of the scene and he was the highest-ranking officer that was there," Ireland said. "He actually came to the scene and gave directions and told folks what to do."
He also questioned how Murray could be hired, promoted from captain to deputy chief and allowed to make arrests without the proper protocol.
"What kind of a mayor do we have who would not properly put people in place, (but instead get) people who do not have the qualifications and the training?" Ireland asked. "Not only are people at risk, but our village (is at risk) because you're talking potential lawsuits.
"In my mind, it speaks to the integrity of the mayor -- is he really looking out for our best interests? Or is he asleep on the job?"
Mayor Frank Pasquale said he knew that Murray did not have the proper qualifications with the ILETSB to make arrests and that neither he nor Pierce were on the department's official roster.
"We're aware of it," Pasquale said.
He added that both men appeared to have the proper experience for their posts.
"Their background, I thought, was quite impressive," Pasquale said.


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