Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Hezbollah and Jan Schakowsky Think Helen Thomas "Awesome!"

Congresswoman and Illinois Nitwork Jan Schakowsky and the swell folks at Hezbollah will miss Helen Thomas:

Hezbollah stands by disgraced US reporter Helen Thomas
Published: 06.09.10, 21:09 / Israel News
Hezbollah on Wednesday saluted veteran US reporter Helen Thomas's "courage" for her controversial comments against Israel, which sparked a furor and forced her to retire.

"Respected American journalist Helen Thomas's answer shows ... a courageous, bold, honest and free opinion which expresses what people across the globe believe: that Israel is a racist state of murderers and thugs," Hezbollah MP Hussein Moussawi said in a statement. (AFP)

Having Elephant Man's Mother as her featured headliner* was inspired . . . by a 40 Watt Intellect, Room Temperature I.Q. and the personality of a dial tone.

Jan Schakowsky - she keeps giving and giving. Hey, what's up with Jan Schakowsky's Turkish intrigues these days - she never really answered thos equestion raised last Fall? Gotta ask. Carol Marin will not.

Thomas headlined Rep. Jan Schakowsky’s big campaign fundraiser, the “9th Annual Ultimate Women’s Power Lunch” in Chicago. The list of guests included all of the major Democratic candidates for federal office, including Senate candidate Alexi Giannoulias and 10th district contender Dan Seals. Senator Dick Durbin was also there, as were representatives of J Street, the new lobby for left-wing policies on Israel.
Rep. Schakowsky and her guests were well aware of Thomas’s record of anti-Israel rhetoric, and were invited to distance themselves from her views. None did. Instead, Rep. Schakowsky declared proudly of Thomas: “She’s so awesome!”
Joel Pollack

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