Monday, June 28, 2010

The Burge Trial: Guilty of Perjury and Obstruction of Justice

Jon Burge was convicted of Perjury and Obstruction of Justice. This pound of flesh will be but an hors d'oeuvre in the banquet prepared and seasoned by G. Flint Taylor.

You can be sure that there is much more to come - millions in fees to G. Flint Taylor and other legal buzzards.

We are elated that finally 25 years after this evidence first came to light, there is some modicum of justice," said Flint Taylor, an attorney for torture victims, outside the courtroom. "But as all of us know, this is only one phase in a long struggle that shall continue."
He said the next phase is finding those who allegedly abused suspects and trying them in a court of law.

Taylor one one. Everyone else?

The jury did its civic duty.

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