Saturday, May 15, 2010

Top Illinois Democrat Tells Scott Lee -"Scat!"

"And then I was told, if they couldn't find anything to put me in jail over, they would still put me in jail. They would make something up to put me in jail. They did not want me on that ticket," Cohen said.

No, it was not party Chairman Michael Madigan or Gov. Quinn, he said.

Sheila Simon*!

Abner Mikva!

Chris Kennedy!

Jan Schakowsky!

Muriel Abbot?

Mae Kennedy Kane!

Wee Michael Quigley!

Wally and the Fat Boys!

Mr. Light Green Smith!

John From Over By Wendy's on Western!

Marvin Muckinfuch!

This be a head scratcher, Y'all! Scott Lee, spill it, Dude! You're killin' us!

Ms. Simon, who had been endorsed by Mr. Quinn on Friday, won a vote of the state’s central committee, made up of 38 top Democratic leaders.

Voters selected a Democratic nominee for the lieutenant governor in February: Scott L. Cohen, a pawnbroker and political unknown who had spent $2 million of his own money on his campaign. But, within days of the election Mr. Cohen resigned under pressure from party leaders after questions emerged over a domestic battery charge, unpaid child support and steroid use.

Democratic leaders, who have battled a reputation for cronyism and back-room deals, announced that Mr. Cohen’s replacement would be picked in a manner that seemed to turn its old reputation on its head. All who wished to apply should do so. Résumés would be posted online. Interviews would be done in public.

Among the applicants was an array of expected candidates — state lawmakers, mayors, county board members, convention delegates and former political candidates, including Ms. Simon.

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