Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Chicago's Own Fawning Boot-Licker Michael Posner - Your State Department in Action!

Even MTV is smarter than Michael Posner ( this guy has GOT to be related to Judge Larry David Posner - the guy who doubled down on Ed Vrdolyak). The Hemp smokers at MTV announced this last month -

Ever since MTV finished filming The Real World DC last fall, Housing Complex has wondered what would become of the beautiful red-brick mansion that hosted it. Well, first HealthHIV took the top two floors. Then, it sounded like owner Doug Jemal was wooing a restaurant for the ground level. Today, Bisnow is reporting that the former home of Josh, Callie, and Mike will soon be occupied by a museum devoted to the ongoing horror of forced labor camps in China.. . . The Laogai museum, underwritten by the Yahoo! Human Rights Fund, chronicles the experience of some 40 million people who have passed through the Communist regime’s labor camps since the 1950s, millions of whom have died. Kempton likened it to the Holocaust, which already has a museum in D.C.—except the persecution continues.

“Our museum really should be in Beijing or Shanghai, but can’t be,” Kempton says. “This is a system that is still going on.”

Well, this way, they’re only a few blocks away from the Chinese Embassy.

Crist on a Crunchable! Michael Posner is the Chicago born child of privilege who attended every toney college he could find and mapped out a career of high-moral-indignation at American History i.e. He is a Progressive Darling!!!! Posner is the State Department Jackass who boot-licked the Red Chinese and grovelled out apologies for the State of Arizona.

I wish the over-educated -rather, this over matriculated stiff could have some quiet quality time with the Korean War Veterans of the Burbank Marine Corps League and at the Oak Lawn VFW - open his smarmy yap and then sit back and watch the show. "The Chosin Resevoir was a shameful Trail of Tears for the Heroic Peasant Peoples Army against the running Dog Mercenaries of Capitalism. I'm a Torture Expert, People stop tickling me!!!!!!"

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