Thursday, May 06, 2010

Burge Trial - "Call Bernardine Dohrn to the Witness Stand!"

Jon Burge grew up in the working class Irish communities of southern Chicago. A red-head with a pugilist's frame, he served as a military policeman during the Vietnam War. That's likely where he first came into contact with tools of the trade such as the electric shock-producing "Tucker Telephone," as well as psychological torture methods such as meticulously staged mock executions.
Sasha Abramsky -Mother Jones

Sasha Abramsky, as I recall, was introduced to the electric-testicle torture theory from Bernardine Dohrn based on fact that Jon Burge -
1. was in Vietnam
2. a telephone torture device was used in Vietnam
Therefore Burge used electric testicle torture

Bernardine Dohrn is far more credible and an authority on terror than the records and the facts of the case. Theory always precedes Truth in Dewey/Hegelian thought.
You see G. Flint Taylor keeps most of the real facts of his twenty years of Burge Bucks out of the media - like a witness who had been tortured by MI-5 who stated "these people were not tortured - I was tortured by Mossad and MI-5" or the medical professionals - those tiny issues, as I recall.

I recall Fahey and O'Brien. They were tortured and murdered . . .but they were police officers.

G. Flint Taylor has been at bat in the Burge Circus, ever since convicted terrorist and Norghwestern Law School Marxist Diva had her record laundered by the fat-cats and 501(c)3 Brie Eaters.

Bernardine Dohrn, who may not hold an Illinois Law License, was given a Northwestern Law School sinecure and grand platform to "Off the Pigs!" via death by a thousand cuts.

I credit the odious Ms. Dorhn, the smarter and far more dangerous half of Billy Ayers, with G. Flint Taylor's media stink bait to lure the press and mythopoeically create the Burge Torture Narrative - the electronic testicle zapper that G. Flint Taylor had built and was allowed to bring to court. Who built that goofy gizmo for G. Flint anyway - it was not Urban Translator Wally Gator Bradley. Shoot, he and G. Flint were last seen wrassling on the court house floor for nickels and dimes.

Call Ms. Dohrn to witness and back track on the journalistic break crumbs leading to Dohrn's early posit that torture was systemic.

G. Flint Taylor will swing and miss again . . .but that is exactly what this Commie Cadillac Lawyer wants. No closure brings more fee

Click my post title for my Burge fil

1 comment:

  1. God Bless Jon Burge a real American Hero you deserve a parade not a trail. I hope you beat all the charges.
