Friday, April 30, 2010

Sapphic Verse - Deb Mell Says and Sun Times Chimes "Joyful Ordinariness"

Red cheeked boyfriends tenderly kiss me sweet mouthed
under Boulder coverlets winter springtime
hug me naked laughing & telling girl friends
gossip til autumn
A. Ginsberg - Gay Guy Extraordinaire

"I know our governor and many of you on both sides of the aisle do not consider . . . our relationship equal to the relationship you share with your spouse," "So while this is a happy day and one to celebrate, it is also bittersweet."

D. Mell - Lesbian Legislator

Swell Dames in slinky silk make my day, like Kemps 2%
on a big-ass bowl of Wheaties topped off with bananas just past ripe
and maybe just maybe I'll cut a weak one out of herd!

P. Hickey Hopeless Romantic!

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