Saturday, April 17, 2010

More Hand Wringing BS From Mark Brown - Murders Happen Because Thugs Feel Comfortable Doing So.

There were 458 homicides in Chicago last year, and that was a good year -- the fifth-lowest murder toll in the city's recent history. By the time Police Supt. Jody Weis met with reporters Friday to talk about his plans for keeping things under control this weekend, this year's homicide toll had grown to 97, up from 81 on the same date last year.

Pfleger asks if we're waiting for a child of our own to die to get involved. It's a reasonable question.

No. we are not waiting for our kids to get killed and that is a consistently stupid question from two fatuous phonies - in my humble, close-knit, ethnic opinion.

Race Baiting, Lotto Lawsuits, Weepy Headlines and absolutely no consequences for killing savages add up to Chicago's spike in homicides.

Gang- related shooting? Nope. Savagery.

Guns Kill People? Nope. Savages kill people.

Mark Brown goes straight to the lowered Kiddie net once again - Father Michael Pfleger. Mark Brown helped Father Pfleger 'change the narrative' from his unorthodox views on abortion and ordination of women to 'the pastor who really cares.' Father Pfleger boldly proclaims anything, gets huge notice, finds himself in trouble and does the 'I'm sorry change the narrative.' Fair enough, but do not use a perfume dousing on public image to parse down urban savagery. Mark Brown gets what he wants and so does Father Pfleger. We get a heaping table of sanctimonious horse shit.

Rather, Mark Brown might have asked Area 2 Homicide Detectives - but Mark Brown has burned that bridge with his smug 'Bring It On!' posing two summers ago. Yeah Mark Brown and the Chicago Sun Times helped west side thugs keep a riot going for more than a few days - with edited photos of cops under siege and Mark Brown's idiotic and inflammatory captions. Blood sells ink. Mark Brown is like an arsonist who runs to the fire house, panting , 'Hey, there's fire! Help the children!'

Chicago's black neighborhoods on the west and south sides are Thug Comfort Zones.

I work in the Gresham neighborhood, Father Pfleger's neighborhood, every day.
I have gone to too many funerals. Chicago Police Officer Eric Lee and his brother were murdered by thugs only too happy to 'ride the 9 down' on a human being -'it's all good! You gotta understand!'

The Chicago Police and the Cook County States Attorney have been marginalized by Mark Brown, Father Pfleger, G. Flint Taylor, the editorial boards of the Chicago Sun Times, The Chicago Tribune, the leftist millionaires of the MacArthur Center for Justice, Northwestern University Bluhm Center for Justice, Jon Burge Industries, The Peoples Law Office, Jon Loevy Industries, every room temperature I.Q. with a microphone and camera crew and of course the well armed savages of Chicago.

Marches, Candle light Prayers, Cease Fire Parolees pressuring Pat Quinn, Urban Translators and the clients of G. Flint Taylor still in the joint will not end the murders.

Until Mark Brown scans the archives of the last few years and has a come-to-Jesus moment - he won't - and gutless politicians grow a pair and turn on lice like G. Flint Taylor and the Marxist 501 (c) 3 industries, savages will continue to light up our lives.

This is not gang-related, drug-related, or gun-related violence this is the Thug Comfort Zone built and funded and fueled by our media, Lawsuit Lotto Lawyers, gutless or complicit politicians and saps who lap up Mark Brown's hand-wringing bullshit.

Gee, too edgy? Well, I am feeling rather savagely sarcastic at the moment. I have not ridden the 9 down on anyone.

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