Monday, April 05, 2010

Easter 1916-2010: Ireland's Proclamation and Prayer

On Easter Monday 1916, Irish rebels seized the General Post Office in the heart of Dublin and launched years of resistance to Great Britain and a bloody Civil War - The Wind That Shakes the Barley.

This is the 94th Anniversary of the Birth of the Irish Nation and a call to rekindle the Faith that has been shake by clerical arrogance, ignorance and intransigence. Of the many speakers calling for a renewal of the Irish Nation was Irish Army Chaplain Eoin Thynne.

Army chaplain Msgr Eoin Thynne, in the name of “the compassionate and merciful God”, recalled with affection those who fought and died for freedom.

He asked for God’s blessing on the men and women they were remembering before focusing on contemporary events.

Msgr Thynne said: “Guide our nation on the ways of justice, integrity and truth. Give us the strength to bear the fatigue and hardship of our present economic difficulties.

“Enlighten our hearts with the willingness to forgive those who have been contaminated by the virus of corruption, the selfishness and greed. Those whose pride and arrogance have inflicted misery and hardship on your people.”

Msgr Thynne prayed that Ireland would “rediscover the feelings of security, peace and inner comfort”.

He added: “Give us the courage to improve ourselves and to shape a society built on a solid foundation of ethics.”

Relatives of those who died in 1916 present, included Nora de hÓir, from Limerick, niece of Kathleen Clarke who was married to Thomas Clarke. Kathleen Clarke remained active in public life after her husband’s execution and was lord mayor of Dublin.

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