Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Could Rahm Win the Hearts, Minds and Votes of the Chicago Helots in the 3rd District?

Rahmbo aspires to be mayor, or so he confessed to Charlie Rose - the Bill O'Reilly of Public Television.

Emanuel told Charlie Rose on the host's PBS talk show, in an interview to be broadcast at 11 p.m. "But if Mayor Daley doesn't, one day I would like to run for mayor of the city of Chicago," Emanuel continued. "That's always been an aspiration of mine even when I was in the House of Representatives."

5th Congressional District

The 5th District is represented by Mike Quigley and none better - so they say. Who they are I can not say.

Rahm Emanuel is razor sharp. He's a walking, cussing, public transportation bussing Occam's Razor.

Now, I know for a fact that Rahm has begged help from the nefarious political Helot Armies of the 11th. 13th, 14th, and 19th Wards to scare up some votes for Rahm annointed Progressive wannabees.

Now, the question might be whether or not Rahm Emanual, WTTW, NPR, the Woods Fund, Northwestern Lawsuit School, Andy Shaw's Bed and Breakfast Government Association, LGBT Water Reclamation District River Reversers, and the Lads of Boystown would seek Helot Yeomanry armed with clipboards and pulp from Mayor Dave Orr to garner signatures.

Or, would "Combover Dave" Axelrod parse out a new compellingly Progressive election narrative - Virtual Signatures? Beats Cemetery Votes all to Hell.

Let's see here, now. The 3rd District and the 5th District - breeders in the 3rd and Boystown in the 5th! Now, that's a diverse coalition to build!

Rahm's 5th District: ( City of Chicago Only mind you)Transient Professionals who think Catholics are just mean!77.5% White, 2.3% Black, 6.5% Asian, 23.0% Hispanic, 0.3% Native American, 9.8% other
In the City of Chicago it encompasses much of the north side from the Lake front . . . Wrigley Field and Chicago's gay district of Boystown are both located in this district, along with the Chicago neighborhoods of Lakeview, Uptown and Lincoln Park.
Wikipedia thank you!
The Helot World of Dan Lipinski's Catholics Everywhere Breeding Up a Storm
3rd Congressional District ( City of Chicago only Mind you!)

77.9% White, 5.9% Black, 2.9% Asian, 21.3% Hispanic, 0.3% Native American, 2.7% other
In the City of Chicago, it includes the communities of Bridgeport (home of mayor Richard M. Daley until he relocated in the late 1990s to the Near South Side's Central Station development), Clearing, Garfield Ridge, Mount Greenwood and West Lawn; almost all of Beverly; those portions of Archer Heights and West Elsdon west of Pulaski Road; the western portions of Ashburn, Chicago Lawn and Morgan Park; the portion of McKinley Park south of Archer Avenue; parts of Gage Park and New City; and a small section (1/16 m²) of Armour Square.
Wikipedia again thank you!

This Rahm Aspiration for the 5th Floor Chair will be like Smash McKenna ( Union Pipe Coverer) riding Angelina Jolie ( really cool and caring person).

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