Monday, March 01, 2010

Michael Moore Named Obesity Czar and Andy Stern Named to Federal National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform

Yep, Andy Stern, Member, National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform!

Charlie Sheen named to Hollywood Celebrity American Values Insitute

Tigers Woods named to the Dalai Lama's Council on Celebacy

Danika Patrick named to the Right Turn Society

That President Obama is a Howler! Get This!

• Andy Stern, Member, National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform

President Obama said, “For far too long, Washington has avoided the tough choices necessary to solve our fiscal problems. I am proud that these distinguished individuals have agreed to work to build a bipartisan consensus to put America on the path toward fiscal reform and responsibility. I know they’ll take up their work with the sense of integrity and strength of commitment that the American people deserve and America’s future demands.”

Andy Stern named to the Order of Lenin - they still give that one out? Andy'd be the Cat's Nuts with that around his neck. Better that than Andy Stern around our throats and wallets.

Орден Ленина, Orden Lenina
to civilians for outstanding services rendered to the State,
to members of the armed forces for exemplary service,
to those who promoted friendship and cooperation between peoples and in strengthening peace, and
for other meritorious services to the Soviet state and society

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