Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Catholic Prayers for Health - St. Anthony has your back!

With yesterday's signing of Obama Care, I decided to turn more to prayer. Sen. Dick Durbin said on MSNBC that this triple trillion dollar pork sausage laden with abortion language is a real deficit reducer. Dithering Dick must have been scripted by Andy "VAT-69" Stern of SEIU the deficit reducing PAC. Bart Stupak became the Quisling of the New Millennium when he sold out dead children to come for an Upper Peninsula Airport in Michigan and our Hunting Horn of the Mob Media is ginning up Class and Race War with the civility card.

We'll be fine. Stay strong, work hard, be kind and read a bit as well as pray.

Here are some Executive Orders worth the paper they are printed on.

Prayer of Confidence to St. Anthony
Most holy St. Anthony, Beloved Friend of Jesus, I place myself in your heavenly care. Be with me, especially in life's troubles and difficulties. Intercede before the Lord for me, so that I may confidently know I do not face my problems alone.

I join my prayers to yours, O Great Saint, as I ask God to give me consolation in times of sorrow, courage when I am afraid, and healing from all the ills that afflict me.

Obtain for me from God, Most High, the grace to accept whatever is God's holy will for me and my loved ones. Strengthen my faith so that I will never despair, but always have hope in God's healing presence and power in my life. Amen.

Prayer to St. Anthony for Healing of a Spouse
O Glorious St. Anthony, you live now in unity with Jesus Christ, the Divine Physician and the healer of all human ills. I come to you today to ask for your powerful intercession on behalf of my beloved spouse (mention name), who seeks to be restored to good health.

The years we have shared, and the love we have known, is precious to me, and my heart breaks in my helplessness. But I believe that with the Lord all things are possible.

Compassionate Saint, comfort me in my distress and obtain blessings for my beloved spouse so that (name) may be quickly and completely restored to health. Amen

Prayer to St. Anthony for Healing

Compassionate St. Anthony, you are called the "Miracle Worker" by those who have been blessed by your special friendship. I ask you to look with favor on (name the person) who is weak and failing.

Great St. Anthony, come to the assistance of (name). Obtain for him/her health in mind and body, and the strength to accept all suffering in union with Christ, our Savior.

Loving St. Anthony, console all those who are afflicted, and guide them to the heart of the Divine Physician, where they will obtain compassion, mercy and hope. Amen.

Prayer to St. Anthony for Protection Against Danger

O Holy St. Anthony, be our protector and defender. Ask God to surround us with the Holy Angels, so that we may emerge from every danger in the fullness of health and well being. Guide our life journey, so we will always walk safely together with you, in God's friendship. Amen.

Prayer to St. Anthony for Those Suffering with Cancer
Dear St. Anthony, you recognized Our Lord Jesus as the Divine Healer. In your goodness and kindness, please intercede for (mention name) who is suffering from cancer.

If it is God's will, I ask that this day, the gift of healing be granted to (name). Comfort him/her during times of unbearable pain, and ask our Lord to grant him/her peace and patience in suffering.

May God give (name) the fullness of life here on earth, or call him/her home to eternal glory forever. Amen.

Prayer to St. Anthony for Emotional Healing

St. Anthony, dear friend and heavenly guide, be present to me now, and let me know your compassion. Pray to our dear Lord for me, that I may experience calmness and peace in my emotions.

Help me to grow in faith and hope. Protect me from all that displeases God, and obtain for me serenity of mind and spirit.

I place all my confidence in you, St. Anthony, and I pray for mercy, grace and God's gentle goodness. Amen.

Prayer to St. Anthony for the Health of an Expectant Mother and Her Unborn Child
Glorious St. Anthony, you were blessed to hold the Infant Jesus in your arms. I come to you now on behalf of (mention name) who pleads for the health and safety of the child that God has graced her to conceive.

St. Anthony, guard this life God has created, and the mother God has chosen for this child. Let your gentle hand, like that of a skilled physician, aid in her delivery so that this baby will know good health and lasting happiness.

May her child be favored with the grace of holy baptism, and grow to love our Lord Jesus Christ above all else in this world. Amen.

Prayer to St. Anthony for Those on Medication
Gracious God, You have given us many healing remedies that are a benefit to us when we are sick. Through the miraculous intercession of St. Anthony, we ask Your blessing upon the medication prescribed for (mention name) so that he/she may experience healing, and be restored to full health in mind and body. Amen.


  1. Beautiful Thank you.

  2. As General George S. Patton said to his clergyman after soliciting a prayer for improved weather--

    "That was a damn fine prayer Chaplain."

    Same to you, Patrick!
