Sunday, February 28, 2010

Eleven Year Old St. Cajetan's Girl Directs Candy for Haiti Kids! Hailey Crowley -St. Cajetan Warrior!

Your St. Cajetan's Lady Warriors!

A local clown columnist wrote that Pro Lifers only care for the 'acorns while the forest burns.'

Millions of actual children living in the real world right now will continue to be denied basic health care -- some fatally -- in the name of protecting embryonic potential children. It's like letting a forest burn down for the sake of a bag of acorns.

Strain that metaphor, Steinberg!,CST-NWS-stein28.article

Catholic Charities opens at 8 A.M. (folks are lined up in front every day well before that time) every day on 79th Street just east of Racine to feed children and their parents, while Planned Parenthood offers opportunities to kill children all over the state. Here's some of the support Catholic Charities offers all over Chicago:

Child Development
Children/Youth/Families Abuse or Neglect
Domestic Violence
Emergency Assistance
Employment & Job Training
Health Care
HIV/AIDS Services
Immigration / Naturalization
Maternity / Pregnancy
Refugee Resettlement
Senior Services
Senior Housing
Substance Abuse
Veterans Services

"Acorns and trees"do pretty well - cradle to grave.

The history of institutional health care in Chicago begins with the Daughters of Charity and the Sisters of Mercy - care for foundlings, orphans and the indigent.

This Dante spouting goof Steinberg tries to imply that being anti-Abortion is hypocritical. Catholics prove the dope wrong again. A better man and a better journalist working for the same news group as pays Steinberg prints a real story on the same day. Sweet Ironies.

Hailey Crowley eleven years of age and a student at St. Cajetan Parish Grammar School must have learned that life is pretty complex. Her mom and dad it appears did a great job of raising her.

Witness this report by Steve Metsch of the Southtown Star:

Hailey Crowley was deeply touched when she saw televised reports from earthquake-ravaged Haiti.
"I just wanted to do something to help because we have so much stuff and they don't have anything. They're living on the streets," said Hailey, 11.
She won't soon forget one image.
"There was a picture of a little boy, younger than my brother, sitting in the street and crying," said Hailey, whose brother, Liam, is 6.
Hailey, of Chicago's Beverly community, decided to help raise money for the children of Haiti but wasn't sure how.
Then she found inspiration at a cousin's baptismal party.
"They had chocolate bars with her name on the label. I thought, 'I could do that,' " she said.
She asked her parents, Doug and Mary Kay Crowley, to buy several cartons of Hershey milk chocolate bars.
Doug Crowley helped Hailey design "Help 4 Haiti" labels in the red and blue colors of the Haitian flag.
Printed for free by Copy Cats, a print shop at St. Xavier University, the labels were slipped over the Hershey labels.
And then Hailey got busy selling candy bars for $2 each.
"A lot of people gave me more than $2. A lot of relatives gave me $20 for one bar," Hailey said.
One family gave Hailey $100 for one chocolate bar, Mary Kay said.
Hailey went door to door selling chocolate bars. She called friends and relatives. She even sold candy during lunch at St. Cajetan School, where she is a sixth-grader.
To date, Hailey has raised more than $300 that will be donated to UNICEF to help needy children in Haiti.
"It makes me happy," she said of her large haul.
St. Cajetan Principal Terry Reger is "happy and thrilled" by Hailey's idea.
"She's an example of the message we're trying to get out to our kids. You give back. You help others. That's what it's all about," Reger said.
"Hailey is very genuine. She's not in it for the publicity. This is Hailey. This is who she is," Reger said.
This is Hailey's second effort to help others. She organized a candy sale for Hurricane Katrina relief when she was in second grade, her father said.
That's not too surprising, given her upbringing. Helping others is a common trait in members of the Crowley family.
Doug Crowley is a Chicago firefighter. Mary Kay Crowley is a nurse at the University of Illinois Medical Center.
If you are interested in helping Hailey raise money for Haiti, she will be selling her "Help 4 Haiti" chocolate bars through St. Patrick's Day.

To buy a "Help 4 Haiti" chocolate bar or make a contribution, e-mail Hailey Crowley's father at

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