Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dan Proft is the Only Real Republican and True Reformer of ANY Party !

Dan, I had neighbors to vote for in the Democratic Primary. I voted for Terry O'Brien, Joe Berrios and Maureen Kelly - for and against everyone else. tossed in some citizen devilment on the races, I did. Because I voted early and could not draw a Republican Ballot, could not place my vote for you. I am not Big Ed Schultz. Get it done, Dan!

Proft on GOP ticket

With seven Republicans on the ballot for governor, few people know all their names much less what differentiates them.

For us, candidate Dan Proft stands out from the pack. All seven candidates -- actually six now after one dropped out last week -- oppose a tax increase and want more accountability in government. But Proft is the only candidate pushing for dramatic, top-to-bottom change in the way the state does business.

As Proft is fond of saying, he wants to turn Springfield upside down.

So do we, and we support him in the Feb. 2 Republican primary.

The people in power during the past decade, Democrats and Republicans, have failed to provide fiscally responsible leadership or adequately promote private sector job growth. In addition to a state deficit of close to $11 billion, Illinois had an unemployment rate of 11.1 percent in December, with 733,300 people out of work. Our state is near the bottom of all states in education, government ethics and business climate.

Proft offers many bold ideas. He not only wants to hold the line on taxes but cut them to encourage investment and job creation. He favors school choice for low- and moderate-income students in failing schools. He proposes statutory caps on state spending.

Proft has not previously held office, but he has helped run campaigns and is a keen observer of state government. His outsider perspective would serve him well as the governor in charge of change.

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