Wednesday, November 04, 2009

White House Robert Gibbs -"It's a Touch of Cancer."

I went to a wake at Sheehy & Sons on 79th Street once and asked the widower what his wife had succumbed to -"T'was nothing serious, so." the County Kerry gent offered.

Following yesterday's National Tune-up of the Hope & Change White House, Stephen Root playing Robert Gibbs offered this -
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters that the president viewed the Republican victories in New Jersey and Virginia gubernatorial races as referenda on local issues that reflect little on his policies in Washington.

"People went to the polls and voted on local issues not to either register support for or opposition to the president," Gibbs said. Asked whether moderate lawmakers might view the results differently, and worry about casting tough votes on Obama's priorities, Gibbs said no.

"I don't think they will and I'm not concerned," he said.

As my Irish Cousins might say "It's a Touch of Cancer is all."

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