Monday, November 23, 2009

John Fogerty -The Tony Bennett of the My Generation

John Fogerty's Blue Ridge Rangers Tour show at Chicago's Auditorium Theatre on Saturday November 21st brought together hundreds of middle aged gents and their wives, girl friends and significant others at feast and celebration of musical artistry void of posturing and narcissism.

The only name worthy of the Single Name, it seems to me was James Brown; however, back in 1969 The Hardest Working Man in Rock & Roll was billed - James Brown and the Fabulous Flames. James Taylor, Bruce Springsteen, Neil Diamond ( I went crying like a five year pitching a sulk), Diana Ross, and Michael McDonald all comported themselves as Min--Orprahs - icons.

John Fogerty came off as the Tony Bennett of Rock - a man with a profound respect for the notes, lyrics and the audience to whom he conveys the music.

For Fogerty, like Tony Bennett, it is all about us in the seats - Fortunate Sons of . . .


  1. James is one of the most talented singer-songwriters of all time. I saw him in concert a few years ago and he was simply amazing!

  2. James Brown is the Best!
